Reviews: Myrkvar - Plunder en Brand

Reviews: Myrkvar - Plunder en Brand

Reviews: Myrkvar - Plunder en Brand

Plunder en Brand, an EP from Dutch Folk Metal Band, Myrkvar. This EP released on June 24th, 2016 and the Cover Art of this album very Narsistic.

1st track, Plunder en Brand. An opening with Middle Eastern Violin sound. Dark Middle Eastern Guitar solo, and the Vocalist sing in Mixed Vocals (Clean and Harsh Vocals). 2nd track, Wanhoop en Angst. Started with Middle Eastern Accordion sound. This song a little bit Progressive. 60% Clean Vox, 40% Harsh Vox,  and Accordion Middle Eastern Folk Metal.

3rd track, Hunnen Horde. A Black Metal song with Middle Eastern Violin and Funny composition. Complex Guitar solo and Dark. 4th track, Gesel Gods. Although without Guitar Solo, the Violins on this song is Dark. This’s good ending song.

The Darkness of Middle Eastern and Dutch.
Score: 95%

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