Interview with Vitae Ex Novo, Progressive Death Metal Band from Italy

Interview with Vitae Ex Novo, Progressive Death Metal Band from Italy, Interview with Vitae Ex Novo Progressive Death Metal Band from Italy

Interview with Vitae Ex Novo, Progressive Death Metal Band from Italy

Vitae Ex Novo is Progressive Death Metal Band from Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy. They're Luca "Gaz" Gazzola on Bass, Tommaso "Cium" Conchione on Drums and Michael "Bove" Baldo on Vocals, and Guitars. Vitae Ex Novo gave us information. Check it out.

Tell us about Vitae Ex Novo?
Well, what can we say about Vitae Ex Novo? We are a Progressive Death Metal band from Friuli - Venezia Giulia, Italy. We started as a duo (Michael "Bove" Baldo: vocals/guitars and Tommaso "Cium" Conchione: drums) after the split up of our previous bands in 2012, then in the early 2015 our bassist (Luca "Gaz" Gazzola) joined us and we started playing under the name "Vitae Ex Novo".

What are lyrical themes of Vitae Ex Novo?
Our lyrics talk about the emptiness of humanity, fragility of modern society, failures and wasted lives...but with a little bit of hope.

What are your influences?
Today is difficult to describe musical tastes or influences with genres so we will just say our favourite bands. Cium listens mainly to Power Metal but also various italian artists and many musicians known worldwide such as Passenger, his favourite metal bands are Gamma Ray, Helloween, Twilight Force and Blind Guardian. Gaz listens to metal bands as Iron Maiden, Metallica and Slayer but also less classic metal as Amon Amarth and Agalloch. Bove listens to proggy stuff and Extreme Metal but also slow and sad music, his favourite bands are Gojira, Anaal Nathrakh, Nevermore, Tool and Wood of Ypres. Sometimes we ask ourselves how the hell did such different musicians like us come together and play because as you can see we listen to very different music. But we think is good because our songs are born from our influences and that's make them different and interesting.

Can you tell us about Metal Scene in Your Town?
We live in very small towns so we're going to tell you about Metal Scene in our region. There are many interesting bands but just a few place to play live. Fortunately there are people who care about underground scene and do their best to organize events and promote local bands.

Who are Your Favorite Italian Metal Band?
As we said before we have different tastes in music. Bove likes Despite Exile and Nero di Marte. Cium's favourite Italian Metal bands are Trick or Treat, Derdian and Kanseil. Gaz listens to Utopia and Demoterion.

How were the songs written?
The way we write songs is pretty easy: the guitarist (Bove) finds out a riff, we work on it together, we think about the structure of the song and the job is done. The lyrics are usually wrote by the drummer (Cium) and than together we fix or improve the idea. Sometimes it takes many months, other times it takes only few days. Anyway we are proud of our music.

How did the recording process go?
The recording process was intense and hard but in the end we can say it went well. We recorded the drums in one day, the drummer that day was ill but we managed to do everything we had to. Guitars, bass and voices were recorded in differnt days in april, 2016. We worked hard and in three months we had our songs recorded and mixed, we are happy about the result.

What are your future plan?
Our plan is to keep making music and improve our sound, we already have some new songs that we would like you to hear as soon as possible. In the meantime we'll keep playing live. Oh, and we gave our ep "Fallen Utopia" to the Metaldays Festival organization, so we hope to play there next year.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
Now we'd like to tour in Europe: there are many cool festivals, there's a lot of wonderful places to visit and mainly we want to play outside of our country because the musicians way is not very appreciate in Italy especially if you play metal. In future we hope to tour in US, South America and, why not, also in Japan.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
We want to play alongside with a lot of bands, obviously each of us as a different list but if we can choose the bands of an event where we're going to play we'll choose: Avatar, Machine Head, Gamma Ray, Crossfaith. Maybe one day, who knows...

Any last words?
We want to say thank you to everyone who is supporting us by listening to our music and coming to our gigs. If you want to listen to our music you can find us on Facebook and Youtube, the digital copy of our ep "Fallen Utopia" is available on Bandcamp and soon as a physical copy. We love music, we love what we do and we won't stop because our ep is just the first step in a bigger world. Finally we want to thank you for this opportunity to talk about our band.

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