Reviews: Archaic Decapitator - Light of a Different Sun

Reviews: Archaic Decapitator - Light of a Different Sun

Reviews: Archaic Decapitator - Light of a Different Sun

 Light of a Different Sun is 2nd EP from Archaic Decapitator, released Independently on June 6th, 2016.

1st track, Parasomniac. A mid tempot song with Technical Riff, and Breakdowns. It’s little bit Metalcore. 2nd track, Light of a Different Sun. The Music composition like Dark Tranquillity, but more Progressive and Dark. 3rd track, The Three Poisons. Started with Dark Piano sound, the Guitar Solo on this song is so Excellent. Dark Tranquillity again. 4th track, Cult of Reanimators. Melodeath with Black Metal influence. That’s Cult. 5th track, Face of Asag. A Groove Metalcore song with Nordic element. Breakdown rules.

Like Dark Tranquillity, but more Progressive, more Breakdown and Black Metal influence.
Score: 95%

Archaic Decapitator: 

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