Interview with Veonity, Power Metal Band from Sweden

Interview with Veonity, Power Metal Band from Sweden, Interview with Veonity Power Metal Band from Sweden
Interview with Veonity, Power Metal Band from Sweden
Veonity is Power Metal Band from Vänersborg, Sweden. Veonity are Kristoffer Lidre - Bass, Joel Kollberg - Drums, Samuel Lundström - Guitars (lead), and Anders Sköld -Vocals (lead), Guitars. Samuel gave us some Information. Check it out.

Tell us about Veonity?
Veonity is a Swedish power metal band that plays melodic, guitar driven power metal without any symphonic or orchestral additions. Veonity has its root well founded in the Swedish/German late 90’s sound.

What are lyrical themes of Veonity?
Our first album “Gladiator’s Tale” was a concept album about a man’s fight for his freedom and our second album, which also is a concept album revolves about a man in the not too distant future who escapes into space because the earth is dying.

What are your influences?
I think this is the place where you are supposed to say that we are influenced by various bands in different genres. But to be honest we mostly just listen to power metal haha. Freedom Call, Gamma Ray, Stratovarius, Nocturnal Rites always passes by my ear at least once a day.

Can you tell us about Metal Scene in Your Vänersborg?
Getting gigs is not like it was before we entered into the digital era. Rock bar, places to gig and festivals in Sweden has to close down due to the fact that people doesn’t seem to enjoy live music anymore. Bands have to play in order to get heard but the interest in watching new bands play are still fairly low. People are gladly spending 100 Euros for a ticket to one of the biggest band but they don’t seem to be willing to pay 10 Euros to watch a more unknown bad play. This has to change so that power metal once again can be heard in every corner of the world (don’t think it ever has though ha ha)

Who are Your Favorite Swedish Metal Band?
It’s a close call between Nocturnal Rites with the album “The Sacred Talisman” and Dionysus with their album “Anima Mundi”

How were the songs written?
All the music is written by me (Samuel) and Anders. We are writing all the music according to the theme set for the album. Our albums this far has been concept albums. We Like the challenge that comes with writing an album based on a story since the music has to reflect the story that is being told.

How did the recording process go?
The drums, lead vocals, bass and some of the choirs and layered vocals were recorded at Studio Seven in Örebro, Sweden. We are working closely with Ronny Milianowicz (Shadowquest, ex Dionysus) because he has a great understanding about our sound and his mixing is clear and precise. The guitars were recorded in a studio in our home town and we sent the tracks to Ronny so he could put his magic touch on them.

What are your future plan?
This year we will aim to play as many shows that we can. We are really eager to present our new song live. We have just been on a tour with the Canadian band Kobra and the Lotus and we have some great shows up coming to look forward to. Of course eventually there will be some more epic song writing sessions again.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
We have already played in a lot of European countries I guess now I would really like to play some gigs I Japan since Scandinavian power metal is really appreciated over there. I would say it’s the same with Brazil. I never been there so it would be perfect to do a tour in Brazil and south America cause they too are great metalheads!

What bands would you like to play alongside?
During the years I have seen numerous of power metal bands playing and Gamma Ray has always strike me as a great live band. Their live shows are energetic, well performed and you can see that they really enjoy playing live (even though Kai has been playing for more than thirty years).

Any last words?
Well, I think it would be some words for the people who support our music. Without people buying our albums, coming to our shows and supporting us in other ways it would be impossible for us to continue on with the mission the spread true power metal throught out the universe haha. But honestly, every time I hear someone telling me there our music is awesome I feel so proud over what we can contribute to the power metal community.


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