Interview with Carnifliate, Death Metal Band from Slovenia

Interview with Carnifliate, Death Metal Band from Slovenia, Interview with Carnifliate Death Metal Band from Slovenia

Interview with Carnifliate, Death Metal Band from Slovenia

Carnifliate is Death Metal Band from Velenje, Slovenia. Carnifliate are Lejla Kozlica - Bass, Grega Cestnik - Drums, Žiga Ring - Guitars, Uroš Polovšak - Guitars, and Tilen Kirbiš - Vocals. carnifliate gave us some information. Check it out.

Tell us about Carnifliate?
We are a deathgrind band from Velenje, Slovenia. Our band started in 2013 but was fully complete in 2014. Our name comes from the old Slovenian word “karnifliate” which means to torture someone.

What are lyrical themes of Carnifliate?
Mostly gore and violence.

What are your influences?
All of us listen to different types of metal so we can combine all of our tastes to make our songs. But for our influences we could count Suffocation, Benighted, Aborted, Gutalax etc.

Can you tell us about Metal Scene in Your Town?
For a small town like Velenje the metal scene and basically the whole music scene is very evolved. We have a lot of bands, some of them don’t exist anymore but new ones are coming. A lot of musicians here play in more than one band and the result is that some bands are connected by the same people.

Who are Your Favorite SlovMetanian l Band?
Within destruction, Mephistophelian, Vulvathrone, Supremacy, Cvinger.

How were the songs written?
We all participate in writing of the riffs and of the lyrics. First the instrumental part is written and after that the lyrics.

How did the recording process go?
First we recorded the drums, then guitars and lastly the vocals. For some of us it was a first time in the studio and it was quite exciting. Maybe we had some small problems, but basically we think it went pretty good.

What are your future plan?
At the moment we are planning a small tour in January, and then we'll write some new and more brutal material for upcoming albums. We're hoping to get more out of Slovenia with our music and increase our fan base over Europe and our chances of playing at big concerts and festivals.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
We would to perform everywhere we can, which is actually our goal. We would like to become a band that tours a lot and lives for their music.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
Dying fetus, Bloodbath, Skinless, Cryptopsy, Suffocation…

Any last words?


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