Interview with Orpheum, Progressive Gothic Metal Band from London

Interview with Orpheum, Progressive Gothic Metal Band from London

Interview with Orpheum, Progressive Gothic Metal Band from London

Orpheum is Prog Gothic Metal Band from London. Orpheum are Andrew Thomson - Drums, Finlay Thomson - Guitars, Martine "Mars" Martin - Keyboards, Vocals (backing), SFX, Erin Johnson - Vocals, and Phillipe Dutra - Bass. Orhpeum gave us some information. Check it out.

Tell us about Orpheum?
We're a five piece gothic melodic metal band based in London, UK. After a successful EP release in 2012, this year we released our first full length album, titled 'Darkness and Decay'.

What are lyrical themes of Orpheum?
As the title of our album suggests, we like to delve into dark themes but in a way that sees the beauty and tragedy in them. Darkness and Decay is an Edgar Allen Poe reference about the power of death, so the lyrics draw from that, along with past experiences including a heavy dose of heartbreak.

What are your influences?
Our influences are quite varied. Each member brings their own which we try and mix together. But bands like Within Temptation, Gothminister, Lacuna Coil and Epica are ones that come to mind. 

Can you tell us about Metal Scene in Your Town?
The metal scene in London is still going fairly strong. However for the sub genres the scene is not so well catered for, but that's not to say there are no fans for it. We have met lots of them so we know it's still thriving. A lot of venues have shut down in recent years, but the spirit definitely remains. Camden is definitely our first home but we've found interest all over the city and plenty of great bands are playing. 

Who are Your Favorite United Kingdom Metal Band?
There are the greats, but we've come across a lot of greats in the underground scene too. A recent favourite from the UK has to be Evyltyde; one of the most fun and technically accomplished bands you'll see on the UK metal scene. We'll be playing with them again on 17th November in Camden, along with Lithuanian band Berserker.

How were the songs written?
Most of them come out of group jamming sessions, with lyrics written by various members. Everyone puts something in and really makes our sound what it is.

How did the recording process go?
Recording was fun, but it wasn't the smoothest ride. The album took two years to put together for various reasons and the mixing phase was intensive. We've learned a lot about the process now which will definitely speed up how our next album is put together.

What are your future plan?
At the moment, we're gigging around the UK as much as possible to promote the  album. Recently the gigs have been getting bigger and that has been great, so we'll be planning to play bigger shows and spread our wings in Europe. Next year, we'll take some time to focus on new material and then we should hopefully be ready to start planning out our second album.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
Countries such as Germany and Poland are definitely top of our list. They have some of the best alternative festivals in Europe and it would be great to play at them, representing the goth metal scene from the UK. 
We recently went on tour with Suddenlash from Spain and Alwaid from France and had a great time with them, so we'd also love to go say hi to those guys on their home turfs some time.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
It would definitely be an honour to play with all the bands we have listed as influences. Obviously we will all have our personal favourites we'd love to play with, the likes of Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Rammstein or Dream Theater.

Any last words?
Our album came out this past June, so check it out either from our official store or it's available from iTunes, GooglePlay and the usual sites. Make sure to check out our Facebook at our website to keep up to date with future shows and news!


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