Interview with Misanthropic Rage, Avant Garde Black Metal Band from Poland

Interview with Misanthropic Rage, Avant Garde Black Metal Band from Poland, Interview with Misanthropic Rage Avant Garde Black Metal Band from Poland
Interview with Misanthropic Rage, Avant Garde Black Metal Band from Poland
Misanthropic Rage is Avant Garde Black Metal Band from Poland. They’re AR. - Main Composer, Backing Vocals and W. - Main Vocals, Backing Composer. MR gave us some information. Check it out.

Tell us about Misanthropic Rage?
Misanthropic Rage is a music project of 2 individuals, based on Black Metal foundation, but not limited to it.

Tell us about the concept of your Upcoming Album "Gates No Longer Shut" and what are Lyrical themes of "Gates No Longer Shut"?
This album are real gates for us, gates that we have opened and that will remain open. Both musically and metaphorically speaking it's just a beginning of our journey, just an opening, and the future shines before us.

Interview with Misanthropic Rage, Avant Garde Black Metal Band from Poland, Interview with Misanthropic Rage Avant Garde Black Metal Band from Poland
 How did you choose the cover artwork?
We've sent album demo to the artist, Maciej Kamuda, along with the title we had in mind. The cover is his vision based on our music, and we instantly loved it, it's as accurate as we could imagine.

How were the songs written?
AR did most of the composing, I just showed him few riff ideas here and there. He recorded both guitars and bass. As for drums, we both worked on it's programming, since we don't have any live drummer. Vocals are mainly mine, with AR contributed all clean vocal parts.

How did the recording process go?
We recorded it same as Qualia EP – very fast, on our own, in a house in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a forest. Sounds very cliche, but the atmosphere was great, there was this special vibe which made it possible. As for mixing and mastering this time we've handed the album to the Serakos Studio in Warsaw.

How do you think your music will progress in the future?
We're already collecting ideas for the next release, it's too early to give any specifics though. But this is just the beginning for us as I've stated before.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
For now it's just the two of us, but if we find another suitable musicians, we're gladly share our music on live stage.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
We're not thinking about it, since we're not a live band for the moment being. But who knows what tomorrow will bring...

Any last words?
Yeah, we would like to thank you for having us and great thanks to everyone who took interest on our music. We have many plans as Misanthropic Rage so we can promise that there is a lot more to come. Stay tuned.

Misanthropic Rage:

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