Interview with Burial In The Sky

Interview with Burial In The Sky

Interview with Burial In The Sky

Burial in the Sky, American Tech Death Metal Legion. They’re will release their New Album titled “Persistence of Thought” on November 4th, 2016. James gave us some information about Burial In The Sky and “Persistence of Thought.” Check it out.

Tell us about Burial In The Sky?

Will and I (James) have played in a multitude of bands and genres with and without each other throughout the years. From Abroad, Odium Complex, Ascain, Malignant Narcissist, and the many more. The list goes on and on. Still, despite the effort couldn't make anything stick long. 

We knew we always found our way back to one another when it came to writing music. So that was it. We decided that we were going to write and record everything, and worry about the rest later. That is how it all started 

We made a gross sounding demo in 2013. That basement recording crap that every band tries. 

An EP followed in early 2015 called "Transcendence" which was an alright stepping stone for us to gain a little more clarity with writing and recording. Still, it wasn't until this year with our Debut full-length that I feel we have made our biggest step yet. 

Persistence of Thought is finally due out on November 4th, 2016. It is a massive leap above everything else we have done. 

What are your influences?
Will and I have so many. They differ drastically for both of us. Of course there are the common ground bands that we both love like Cynic or any of the godfathers of the genre. Still there are too many to list. 

Tell us about concept of your upcoming album "Persistence of Thought" and What are Lyrical Themes of "Persistence of Thought"?
William really worked hard to convey an interesting and mature story of the connection between two women. I am sure he would like to be the one that describes that theme. Still, I think he really wants people to perceive the album in their own ways.

Interview with Burial In The Sky
How did you choose the cover artwork for "Persistence of Thought"?
Well we had an amazing artist named Nathan Lee that worked off of lyrical themes that we gave him and made that gorgeous cover. Check him out. Very talented dude. 

How were the songs written?
Well they were written while playing out over the course of a year or so. It really was the simple process of sitting down together (will and I) and just letting ideas flow. 

How did the recording process go?
Honestly was a really smooth process. We did all the guitars, bass, vocals, and other instruments in BITStudio. We recorded keys with Danny Greene in Philadelphia. The drums were all written and recorded by Samus Paulicelli of Decrepit Birth Then we had all the DI guitars re-amped with Numbskull (a UK based engineer) then he mixed and mastered all of the album.

It was really a great time. Always felt exciting to get to the next step. 

What are your hope for "Persistence of Thought"?
Getting us out on the road playing consistently.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
Any and all of Europe, Asia, really everywhere! It would be awesome to go anywhere and everywhere we could.

What bands would you like to play alongside?

Really any of the amazing and stunningly talented bands in our genre or style.

Any last words?
Please buy our debut full-length album November 4th!

Click here to Pre-order Persistence of Thought.
Burial in the Sky:

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