Reviews: Decipher – Intuition

Reviews: Decipher – Intuition

Reviews: Decipher – Intuition

Full Length Debut Album from Progressive Death Metal Band from Luxembourg, Decipher. Album Artwork by Ani Artworks.

1st track, The Alchemist. Started with Ambient sound. Djent riffs with acoustic guitar lick, and Neoclassical Guitar solo. A mid-tempo song with Frog Sequal and Shrieking Scream. It’s Djent! 2nd track, Liquid Pain. Changeable tempo and changeable composition. Little Jazz Guitar lick, Neoclassical lick, and Dark Ambient element. Deep Growls Vocals with Dark Ambient made this song more Horror.

3rd track, Morbid Dreams. This song smre Melodic, more Neoclassical, and with some Breakdown. A Distortion ended with Ambient. 4th track, Soulbound. After listening Heaviest tracks previously, this song spoilted our ears with Angelic Vocal and Atmospheric. This song is rather Post Metal. I don’t know her, but Her Voices Excellent.

5th track, Mind Unfold. An instrumental Atmospheric Rock/Metal song. I’m very enjoyable this song. Good cong for cooling down. 6th track, Slave of the Chapter. Riffs on this song is rather Thrash. Bass lick on this song is Heavy so that this song more Groove than previous tracks. This song is like Fallujah. 7th track, L'or Bleu. Lyrics written in French language. This song more Neoclassical with some Breakdowns, Atmospheric and some Acoustic guitar licks. Started with and Ended with Ambient sounds. Deep Growls and Shrieking with Great composition.

Cooled Atmosphere, Neoclassical Guitar Licks, Progressive elements and Djent Riffs. All in one on this Album.
With the Neoclassical and Ambient elements, this’s Cooled Progressive Death Metal Album.
Score: 100%

Reviews: Decipher – Intuition

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