Interview with Indisposed, Female Thrash Metal Band from Argentina

Interview with Indisposed, Female Thrash Metal Band from Argentina

Interview with Indisposed, Female Thrash Metal Band from Argentina

Indisposed is Female Thrash Metal Band from La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They’re Ana Fernandez - Guitars, Vocals (backing), Pely Macchi - Guitars, Vocals, Salo Astudillo - Bass, and Laura Magurno - Drums. Indisposed gave us some information. Check it out.

Tell us about Indisposed?
Indisposed is a femele heavy and thrash metal band formed in Argentina. Pely Macchi Voice and guitar, Anahi Fernandez Guitar, Salo Astudillo Bass guitar and Laura drums 

What are lyrical themes of Indisposed?
Lyrics talk about many stuffs, basically talks about our life's, experience.

What are your influences?
Is very extensive to write in a note HAHA, But we love so much music, from diferent styles, not only heavy metal.

Who are Your Favorite Argentine Metal Bands?
I think we don´t have a favorite metal band in Argentina. We have much friends in music and we love their bands 

Interview with Indisposed, Female Thrash Metal Band from Argentina

How did you choose the cover artwork for "Hangover"?
It was more like a cliché idea HAHA, the white nikes, the colors, the garbage is like all you have in graphics for thrash metal style. And of course had to be a girl haha. We haved the idea and then an artist illustrator made it.

How were the songs written?
In home, in studio

How did the recording process go?
We record the EP in La Plata City, was very conventional the way. first drum kit, bass guitar, guitars and voices. Then we mix it. Was very quick fortunately. We record nine songs, but just five was released in the EP.

What are your future plans?
Now we are working in complete new songs, preparing the álbum, new video and many many shows

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
Yes of course, any country, we love traveling, if i have to choose one, maybe Brazil because i love this place and is very near to Argentina haha. But we hope travel to any country for share our music.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
Many and many bands but Enforcer <3

Any last words?
Thank you very much for the interview, and we invite to everyone who like,listen our music and keep in contact with us. Cheers!


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