Metal Illustrator: Interview with Natalia Osipa Drawings

Metal Illustrator: Interview with Natalia Osipa Drawings

Welcome to Metal Illustrator. This’s interview between Me and Natalia Osipa.

  by Natalia Osipa Drawings
Please give a brief introduction of yourself, your career and your work.
I was born in year 1998, my drawing adventure started as soon as I was 5 years old and I am still at the beginning of my journey. But also glad that I've started early.

 by Natalia Osipa Drawings
When did realize you wanted to make a career out of illustrating?
At the age of 9 when I was still very little I've watched my older sister Agnieszka paint the most beautifull paintings, so I wanted to do the same as well, but life turned me more torwards pencils. Now I am glad because it relates more to the tattoo artist job I am planning to take on in the future.

 by Natalia Osipa Drawings
What difficulties have you faced in transitioning into becoming a professional illustrator?
I think overcoming the lazyness was the hardest. It may seem insignificant but is very difficult to overcome once it becames a habit. I am hoping on overcoming it as a whole one day.

 by Natalia Osipa Drawings
What do you like the most about illustrating?
The moment of transitioning to details. Once I get to making similarity as crisp as possible in persons/objects and materials. Unfortunetely sometimes I do not have enough time to finish up the way I intended in my mind and therefore I hate the finishing part. I am prone to make corrections as much as possible.

What do you like the least about it?
In my work I hate having to draw with a timeframe, rushing the work to meet a deadline is really not my thing, but oftenly is unavoidable.

Who are some of your main artistic inspirations and why?
My greatest art inspiration is my sister Agnieszka, that I mentioned earlier and her boyfriend Tomasz. They both made sure to show me how to work, helped with the difficulties. I've learned and was supported by them to strive for bettering myself.

What is the best advice you have ever received regarding your artwork and career?
That there is no way around work. Hard work is the only thing that will get you to your goal. I oftenly hear that I have talent, but I don't think it's true. Without the hours poured in I would not get where I am now.

What are some of your goals for the future?
I have plans of becoming a tattoo artist and with the right ammount of attitude and work I think I can make it.

Do you have a philosophy behind your work?
It's closest to the Benedictinian's monks philosophy of putting hours upon hours in each project.

Any last words.
My latest assignements proved to be difficult challenges but so much fun, I hope for everyone who'll take the same route that the'll find the fun within the difficulties and strenght to push trough on weakest moments. Thank you very much for interviewing me, it was a pleasure.

Natalia Osipa Drawings:

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