Interview with Self-Hatred, Death Doom Metal Band from Czech Republic

Interview with Self-Hatred, Death Doom Metal Band from Czech Republic

Interview with Self-Hatred, Death Doom Metal Band from Czech Republic

Self-Hatred is Death Doom Metal Band from Plzen, Czech Republic. They’re Štěpán Eret - Bass, Michal "Datel" Rak - Drums, Aleš Vilingr - Guitars, Pavel Janouškovec - Guitars, Michal Šanda - Keyboards and Kaťas - Vocals. Michal Šanda gave us some information about Self-Hatred. Check it out.

Tell us about Self-Hatred?
It is almost 3 years since we are officialy known as Self-hatred. Aleš met Felis and then asked me to join them. I always had quite similar musical attitude as Ales (Ales, Stepan and I use to play in Stollice), so it was easy for me to say yes to his offer. It was the same for Stepan. Even though Datel played in other 2 bands, he decided to reveal his mastery in SH. Then we searched for another guitarist and Paja is the one. And finally we have Katas here, who might be the shortest in our band, but his voice is massive as he was born to growl.

What are lyrical themes of Self-Hatred?
I would suggest to buy our CD and let everybody to discover all the lyrics secrets himself. Basically it is about what we experienced or about the way we see the life arround us through fears, universe, love.
It is the way most of the people think like. We just transfer the thoughts into the music.

What are your influences?
Well we all support bands we like and listen to. But we try to do the music without being affected by other bands.  What we follow is the era, which is the 90`s. We do not try to sound like someoneelse. But there will always be someone who might say – You sound like this and that and you are copying what already been done. But it is easy. You either like what you hear or not. We all have different perception and I respect that.

Who are Your Favorite Czech Metal Bands?
I can not speak for others here. For me it is Master's Hammer, SIlent Stream Of Godless Elegy, Dissolving Of Prodigy, Krabathor, Mythopoeia, Sorath , Et Moriemur, Somnus Aeternus, Brutally Deceased, Quercus.

Interview with Self-Hatred, Death Doom Metal Band from Czech Republic
How did you choose the cover artwork for "Theia"?
It was idea of Marek Pisl, who created the artwork.
How were the songs written?
Mostly it is Ales and then me who come with the idea or a song draft. And then we all work on it. Nothing extra special beyond it. Katas does all the lyrics.

How did the recording process go?
I can not say a bad word. It took us roughly 14 days. 7 days out of that was the recording itself. Honza Kapak (Hellsound studio) is a professional. He works hard and is able to get 100% out of you. He is a nice person to speak with not only about music. I really enjoyed the atmosphere and are looking forward to March. We will be recording our second album at Hellsound.

What are your future plans?
We do not have big plans. As we are not from the same city and even the same country, our regime is  unconventional. We focus on the album recording. Just finishing the new songs.
There are some great gigs ahead of us in 2017. If all goes well, there will be chance to share the stage with some great bands. Let's see what the future brings to all of us.
 Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
Malta and Brazil, because it is nice wheather there. England, because the wheather there is made for doom metal. 
 What bands would you like to play alongside?
I can not speak for others again. I wish for Skepticism, Clouds, My Dying Bride
Any last words?


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