Interview with Stoned God, Progressive Death Metal Band from Germany

Interview with Stoned God, Progressive Death Metal Band from Germany, Interview with Stoned God Progressive Death Metal Band from Germany

Interview with Stoned God, Progressive Death Metal Band from Germany

Stoned God is Progressive Death Metal Band from Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany. They’re Louis Schaffert - Drums, Steffen Hustert - Guitars, Vocals, Kenny Küllmer - Bass, and Madita Pusch - Guitars. Stoned God gave us some information. Check it out.

Tell us about Stoned God?
The band was founded in 2013 when I met drummer Louis and our former guitarist and bassist. We played our first gig just a month later and since then we kept writing songs and playing live. So far we have released two demos, one album and have gone through a couple of line-up changes. Most important is that we now have our long-time friend Kenny playing bass and a new guitarist, Madita. She's 17 and way ahead of everyone who filled her position before in terms of motivation...

What are lyrical themes of Stoned God?
I don't want to take the joy of interpreting the lyrics on your own, so I never give away too much.
All I can say that my lyrics are inspired by personal experiences, certain moods, social criticism and of course the music itself. But there is no wrong or right interpretation, you can read my lyrics however you want and form your own visions. That's how lyricism works for me.

What are your influences?
We all come from different musical backrounds varying from Black Metal to Rock and Blues so we listen to a lot of different stuff. This is important because it keeps the music and the inspiration fresh. I personally listen to a lot of Death Metal and Progressive Metal, so would call bands like Morbid Angel and Death influences as well as bands like Tool, Mastodon or Gojira. We all like Stoner stuff so Kyuss is also important!

Who are Your Favorite German Metal Bands?
Uhmm, that's quite difficult. Of course we had a huge Thrash Metal scene but I'm not that much into this type of Metal. Still I'd go for Kreator and maybe even Accept. In the underground Deserted Fear are propably my favourite band.

Interview with Stoned God, Progressive Death Metal Band from Germany, Interview with Stoned God Progressive Death Metal Band from Germany
How did you choose the cover artwork for "Discordant Divinity"?
I once saw a pretty cool evil drawing that he did on the poster of a local techno party and was like "Who did this? This guy needs to do our coverart!". Luckiliy he is a friend of our former guitarist so we could contact him at the right time. We exchanged some ideas and he came up with this! Don't ask me for the meaning of it or what it is, because we don't know it either. But it fits the atmosphere of the album perfect and we want to work with him again on the next album.

How were the songs written?
That's different from time to time, especially on this album since I already wrote some of the riffs when I was fourteen. I come up with a lot of ideas at home and do rough sketches of some of songs which we later rework in the rehearsal room with new ideas and different arrangements. Other times we are working out a whole song alltogether at the rehearsals, which is a lot of fun because everything flows and comes naturally and it is a dynamic process.

How did the recording process go?
We recorded everything with a friend of is in his home studio in two months. At times it was difficult because we were a little but unprepared because it was the first time we recorded with someone else but in the end everything worked out fine. The result is a quite organic sound with which we are satisfied.

What are your future plans?
Right now we are doing a lot of booking since we want to play everywhere in Germany if possible and are hungry to present the album live to more audiences. At the same time we already have finished four songs for the next album so you can expect a new album propably next summer!

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?

I'd love to play in western european countries like France, Spain and Portugal because I've heard they are more energetic than our german crowds. The same goes for eastern european countries like the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine!

What bands would you like to play alongside?
Our favourites would be Gojira and Mastodon or Opeth since it stylistically would fit perfect.

Any last words?
Thank you for the interview! Buy our album! If you don't have money you can download it for free on Bandcamp!

Stoned God:

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