Reviews: Order to Ruin - Where Future Shadows Unfold

Reviews: Order to Ruin - Where Future Shadows Unfold

Reviews: Order to Ruin - Where Future Shadows Unfold

Order to Ruin is Underground Melodeath Band from Germany. And it’s my reviews about their album titled “Where Future Shadows Unfold.”

1st track, Infernum. Gun shot, scream, dialogue, spoken words and ambient. 2nd track, The Locust And The Lancer. Growls and Shriek, strains of melody like cavalry. 3rd track, So Black, So Pure. So Black, So Pure, and So Harmonic. 4th track, Crossworld. The accoustic guitar part on this song made this song is cool.

5th track, Nightwing. Cool music groove, like a river from upstream to downstream. 6th track, Where Future Shadows Unfold. A straight melodeath song with a little bit accoustic element. 7th track, Fury and Passion. It’s emotional melodeath song, the vocalist singing fury. 8th track, Veiled In Shadows. The guitar solo on this song is excelent.

9th track, Weeping In Solitude. A blast weep song. 10th track, Human Devastation. It’s very fury song. 11th track, Lifeless Invader. Growls, shriek and shredding.

It’s Melodic of the Fury and Shadows.
Score: 91%
Order To Ruin:

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