Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016

Every the beginning of the Month. We’re always post Best Metal Cover. On for this post, We’re post Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016. This’s Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016. Check it out.

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Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Clandestine Sacrament from Death Fetishist

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 28th, 2016 via Debemur Morti Productions. Cover Art by Andrzej Masianis

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Evocation of the Serpent from Sire

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 31st, 2016

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Evolve from Howling in the Fog

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 28th, 2016. Cover Art by Alexios Ciancio

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Fuir la lumière from Sordide

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 25th, 2016 via Avantgarde Music. Cover Art by Maarko Phntm

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Inferno from Nuclear Devastation

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 20th, 2016 via Wolves of Hades. Cover Art by Kuba Sokólski

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Kadath from Ultar

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 21st, 2016 Temple of Torturous

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Le noir village from Créatures

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 22nd, 2016 via Antiq Records. Cover Art by Simon Hervé

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: L'Orgueil des drapeaux et des flammes from Stellarvore

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 17th, 2016

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Metal to the Bone from Warfist

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 30th, 2016 via GODZ OV WAR PRODUCTIONS. Cover Art by Maciej Kamuda

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Nemo Optavit Vivere from Insonus

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016:
- Released on October 15th, 2016 via Throats Productions. Cover art by Eba Art

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: New World Ascension from Sacrimonia

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016:
- Released on October 2016

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Noli Respicere from Vereor Nox

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 21st, 2016 via Vacula Productions

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: O turniach, jeziorach i nocnych szlakach from Wędrujący Wiatr

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 31st, 2016 via Werefolf Promotion

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Scales of Existence Unendlich

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016
- Released on October 28th, 2016 via Horror Pain Gore Death Productions

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Tales of Inevitable Death from Soulemission

- Released on October 31st, 2016 via Black Lion Productions

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: Tetragrammaton from Riti Occulti

- Released on October 7th, 2016 via Nordavind Records

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: The Grander Voyage from Netherbird

- Released on October 28th, 2016 via Black Lodge Records

Best Black Metal Cover in October 2016: The Great Old Ones from Temple of Demigod

- Released on October 31st, 2016 via Black Lion Productions
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