Interview with Derelict Sun, Progressive Metal Band from Germany

Interview with Derelict Sun, Progressive Metal Band from Germany, Interview with Derelict Sun Progressive Metal Band from Germany

Interview with Derelict Sun, Progressive Metal Band from Germany

Derelict Sun is Progressive Metal Duo from Germany. They're David - Drums, Percussion, Effects, Samples Yannik - Guitars, Bass, Vocals, Percussion. Derelict Sun gav Check it out.e us some information.

Tell us about Derelict Sun?
With Derelict Sun, we basically just do whatever we want to do. We played in a Death Metal band together but moved further and further into the progressive direction, so we started Derelict Sun. I guess the big thing about this project really is being creative and trying not to limit ourselves in any way.

What are lyrical themes of Derelict Sun?
I guess all our lyrics are somehow inspired by everyday life. Our EP "Black and White" deals with the dangers of losing control because of drug abuse and the further possible consequences and our recently released song "Checkmate" is about an inner fight concerning an interpersonal relationship.

What are your influences?
That's hard to tell because we both listen to so much different stuff. Typical Prog bands like Porcupine Tree, Pink Floyd, The Alan Parsons Project or Opeth of course have an influence on us but then there's the more classic rock and metal stuff reaching from Billy Joel and Deep Purple to Slayer, Death, Bloodbath etc.
David also likes to listen to experimental and electronic music like Kraftwerk, Bass Communion, Moonlake, Massive Attack etc.
Yannik is really into Nevermore and also digs more modern Prog bands like Leprous, Deadly Circus Fire, Haken and "standard" metal stuff like Slipknot, Mudvayne, System Of A Down, Disturbed and old Linkin Park.

Who are Your Favorite German Metal Bands?
For David that's probably Nocte Obducta, an avantgarde metal band. Every album they've made is totally different, yet their own style is always there.
For Yannik the choice would probably be Necrophagist and a really great local progressive metal band from Cologne called Hadean, combining classical instruments and compositions with classic and progressive metal!
Interview with Derelict Sun, Progressive Metal Band from Germany, Interview with Derelict Sun Progressive Metal Band from Germany
How did you choose the cover artwork "Black and White"?
We like symbolism, so we really thought about the themes of "Black and White" and how you could show them. That's why we came up with the idea of a maze with many details referring to those themes. It was made by our good and very talented friend WimmersArts:

How were the songs written?
The basic ideas come up while jamming a lot, so that's the first step. But since we're only two guys, we have to take notes about ideas for different instruments. We try these out when working on the songs on the computer and while recording rough versions.
We also try to work from a different perspective sometimes and start with a bass riff for example or a melody and chord progression on the piano.

How did the recording process go?
Over a couple of weeks, we recorded in both of our homestudios. Recording the songs wasn't much of a problem. During mixing however, we incorporated lots of new effects and ideas, so that was fun, but challenging. It's cool because after editing the parts, it all sounds very different.

What are your future plans?
Well, we are always writing new songs, so there's that. But we also want to finally get on stage and play the songs live, so we're currently looking for musicians.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
We would play everywhere, as long as people would want us to :D That would be lots of fun. Playing in Scandinavia would be cool because they have so many great bands and musicians there. But before that, we have to get a band together :D

What bands would you like to play alongside?
Opeth, Porcupine Tree and Katatonia for example. The musical combination would be pretty interesting, I would think.

Any last words?
First of all, thanks to for the interview and the review of "Black and White". We also just released a new song, so check this one out. Lastly, if you like our music, like us on Facebook and reach out to us!

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