Interview with Shattered Systems, Progressive Metal Band from America

Interview with Shattered Systems, Progressive Metal Band from America

Shattered Systems is Progressive Metal Band from Los Angeles. They’re Kevin Lambertucci - Bass, Mike Hetzel - Drums, Nathaniel Dominguez - Guitars, Avelino Ramirez - Keyboards, and Lucas Muniz - Vocals. Shattered Systems gave us some information.

Tell us about Your Shattered Systems?
We are a Progressive Rock/Metal band formed in Tucson Arizona, USA. We moved to Los Angeles California in search of like minded musicians.

What are lyrical themes of your Shattered Systems?
Our lyrical themes range from stories to songs of encouragement and strength, no matter what lies ahead you can always achieve your goal.

What are your influences?
The bands influences are Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Kamelot and Metallica.

Who are Your Favorite American Metal Band?
Our favorite is Dream Theater, they've paved the way for Progressive Metal to have a strong foundation.

How did you choose the cover artwork "A New Chapter"?
We wanted something that could match both our dreams finally becoming reality and our struggles on the way, the artwork for 'A New Chapter' is symbolic of this. You can see our logo in the door shining light onto a growing plant. A New Chapter of life.

How were the songs written?
The songs were written years back before the current lineup we have now, all this time these songs were written by Nathaniel Dominguez with help of Avelino Ramirez. Until we got Lucas Almeida onboard, there were no vocal melodies or lyrics. Lucas brought his creativity to our chemistry.

How did the recording process go?
The recording process was one at a time, we did each instrument separately and at many locations. For the sake of quality with the given financial situation we had. I am very proud of how the final mixes sound!

What are your future plan?
Our future plans are to kick off a tour! Keeping in mind to fund our follow up album. We are independent at the moment, if given the right opportunity we'd love to have some help!

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
There are many places! We'd love to play in Sweden, lots of the bands we love are from Sweden. Sweden, Norway and Finland have so many wonderful musicians that have inspired us. Europe, we hear many Prog fans are in Europe! Brazil, our vocalist is originally from Brazil. He has a long history of family and friends who 100% support his, it would be amazing to be able to give him and all of his support the excitement of being back home with an established band.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
We'd love to play with Dream Theater or Iron Maiden someday! Those guys are just phenomenal, we'd also love to play alongside these special and one of a kind bands that we love. Pagans Mind, Seventh Wonder, Circus Maximus, Symphony X, Haken, Kamelot and Nightwish

Any last words?
We hope you all enjoy our debut album! A lot of effort and love went into this album through and through. If you're a prog fan, this is for you! If you're a fan of short catchy songs, this is for you! If you're a fan of dramatic and beautiful stories, again this is for you! Thank you so much for having us.

Shattered Systems:

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