Reviews: Oak Pantheon – In Pieces

Reviews: Oak Pantheon – In Pieces

Reviews: Oak Pantheon – In Pieces

In Pieces from Oak Pantheon, an Album with Abstract Cover and without the title of the Band and Album. Great Cover with Great Music.

1st track, Dawn as a New Day. The Rhythm like a War Music, Mixed Vocals (Harsh and Clean) and Accoustic Guitar lick on this song is very cool. A beautiful of the Black. 2nd track, Climb. Melodic Black with some Progressive element. A Darkness, A Progressive, and Thrash Guitar Riff. 3rd track, Float. Started with Accoustic Guitar Lick, and Ended with Accoustic Guitar Lick. I like a Black Metal song with accoustic guitar lick like this song. 4th track, Enormity. A Progressive Blackened Death Metal song. The Clean Vocal like Morean Alkaloid. Music is Fusion between Opeth and Alkaloid with Excellent Symphonic.

5th track, Grasp the Apparition. Clean Guitar Riff, Melodic, and Industrial on the last part. The Atmosphere cooling our soul and mind. 6th track, Pavor Nocturnus. Heaviest Guitar Riff and Easy Listening. It’s Very Simple. 7th track, Burden of Growth. Started with Accoustic Guitar, this song is Very Clean. The Guitar Composition is GOOD!!! 8th track, GodSon. A Progressive ending, Mixed Vocals (Harsh and Clean), and Great Guitar Solo. Atmospheric, Abstract and Accoustic.

The Beauty of Atmosphere, Nature and Progressive. This’s In Pieces from Oak Pantheon.
Score: 99%
Reviews: Oak Pantheon – In Pieces
Oak Pantheon:

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