Interview with Warfist, Blackened Thrash Metal Band from Poland

Interview with Warfist, Blackened Thrash Metal Band from Poland, Interview with Warfist Blackened Thrash Metal Band from Poland

Interview with Warfist, Blackened Thrash Metal Band from Poland

Warfist, Blackened Thrash Metal Band from Zielona Góra, Poland. Warfist will released their New Album "Metal to the Bone" on October 30th, 2016 via GODZ OV WAR PRODUCTIONS. Mihu, frontmant of Warfist gave us some information about Warfist and Metal to the Bone. Check it out.
Tell us about Warfist?
The band started in 2004. It has been founded by me and Witchfucker, our original vocalist who left the band in 2006. We always wanted to play dirty, classic and old school metal from the 80s. You know, the times when the boundaries between the genres weren't as clear as they are today and the music wasn't as divided as it is now, in general. Just plain fuckin' METAL!!! Our story is quite typical for as for an underground band – many shows, few released materials, long anticipated full-length... And here we are now, counting days until the release of our second album “Metal to the Bone”, which is the best thing we did since the band's beginning.

What are your influences?
As I said, our aim has always been to play classic, old school metal. The bands that inspire us the most are Sodom, Motorhead, old Bathory and Venom. We are very much into the German thrash metal in general and bands like old Kreator, Assassin, Holy Moses, Living Death, Iron Angel, etc. The most inspiring period for us are the 80s and any type of metal that was created back then. Doesn't matter if it's thrash, death, black or heavy, as long as it's evil and contains a proper amount of the devil.

Tell us about concept of your upcoming album "Metal to the Bone" and What are Lyrical Themes of "Metal to the Bone"?
There actually is no lyrical concept behind “Metal to the Bone”. Lyrics on this album are separate beings. In general, the lyric-topics circulate around evil. So, there's a song about a Macedonian journalist who killed women and then wrote articles about it in “Written with Blood”. There's a song about a woman who was imprisoned by nuns in a monastery and almost starved to death in “Convent of Sin”. There's a story about a girl who met a guy who appeared to be a necrophiliac in “NecroVenom”. I like real stories about evil side of human nature. Of course we also continue to spit in the face of all monotheistic religions as we do in “Pestilent Plague” for example. So as you see, lyrical themes of our songs are pretty diverse. The only thing they have in common is that they need to be evil and metal!

How were the songs written?
Usually I bring the riffs and we work on them at rehearsals. It was the same this time as well.

How did the recording process go?
We recorded instruments in Mosh Pit Studio. I think it happened during one or two weekends of April 2015. The overall atmosphere during the recording was really good. There was no tension. We we're just doing our job and were pretty happy with the results. Afterward we were sending the album's demo to the labels. There was some feedback, but nothing specific, so we decided to upgrade this stuff a little bit. That's where Marcin of Left Hand Sounds Studio comes in. He's responsible for mix and mastering of the stuff and did an awesome job. You can hear the results on the album.

Interview with Warfist, Blackened Thrash Metal Band from Poland, Interview with Warfist Blackened Thrash Metal Band from Poland
Metal to the Bone, Artwork by Maciej Kamuda
What are your hope for "Metal to the Bone"?
We hope that this album will receive a truly positive feedback. As I said, it's the best thing we have made so far, and we're really proud of it's final result. I really don't like the word “mature”, but I can't come up with any other that would appeal better to the progress we have made in writing music, as well as lyrics. Hope that the maniax will appreciate this stuff, because we're really proud of it. I'm have really positive feelings regarding “Metal to the Bone”, especially that we have Godz Ov War on our side and Greg is a guy who really knows what he's doing when it comes to promoting his releases. So, we did our job and now it's up to the fans how they will judge this album.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
Ha! That's a tough question. We didn't play much abroad except for Germany, Czech Republic and Ukraine. Therefore, the list is quite long... I'd definitely like to play in Australia one day, because I really respect their metal scene. It's huge and awesome. The Australian bands usually kick ass and I assume that it's a good place for metal. What else? Touring Scandinavia would be cool. Also Europe in general. There are many dreams regarding Warfist's live shows and hopefully enough time to fulfill them. Bottom line is, we'll play anywhere they want us and provide good conditions.

What bands would you like to play alongside?

This one's easy and I'd say Sodom! Definitively! If we are able to play alongside Sodom, I can die! Of course, there are a lot more bands that I respect, admire and would like to play alongside with. For example Destroyer 666, Venom, Gehennah, Nifelheim, Scythian... I think we would fit as a support act for these crews. But the biggest dream is definitely Sodom! They are godz and one of a few bands that always kept it metal, regardless of the trends. Besides, their two last albums really shred.

Any last words?
Keep it metal to the bone! Thanks for the interview!

Interview with Warfist, Blackened Thrash Metal Band from Poland, Interview with Warfist Blackened Thrash Metal Band from Poland

Godz ov War Productions Website

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