Interview with Svovel, Progressive Symponic Metal Band form Norway

Interview with Svovoel, Progressive Symponic Metal Band form Norway, Interview with Svovoel Progressive Symponic Metal Band form Norway

Interview with Svovel, Progressive Symponic Metal Band form Norway

Svovel, Female Fronted Prog Symphonic Metal Band from Oslo Norway. Line Up: Vocals: Karine Jæger, Drums: Jonatan Ekblad Aagaard, Guitar: Håkon Eikeland, Bass: Robert de Graaff, and Keyboard: Jahn Erlend Holm.Karine Jæger and Jonatan Aagaard gave us some information about Svovel. Check it out.

Tell us about Svovel?
Svovel is a Norwegian symphonic metal band, combining heavy progressive guitars, drums and bass with operatic vocals and symphonic keyboard. The Svovel sound is characterized by a grand symphonic atmosphere with contrasting elements, as well as progressive tendencies and a heavy dose of madness.
«We like to challenge the the boundaries of the symphonic metal genre by working with a more original and unconventional approach to the genre.» - Lead singer, Karine Jæger
Our debut album «Fading» is the result of putting together songs where we try to both embrace and challenge the universe that is the symphonic metal genre, making «Fading» a very creative, individualized and personal album for us to create.

What are the lyrical themes of Svovel?
The lyrical themes vary but are usually influenced by the world of fantasy fiction as well as a way to illustrate personal experience and emotions. Our lyrics are often focused on conveying a specific situation or emotional development.
«Svovel’s lyrics contains a lot of grief and vulnerability, even madness, but also so much energy, determination and courage. I love the variation in every song we perform, that the topics of each song rarely are the same. It lets me explore new worlds and emotions through the music
- Lead singer, Karine Jæger

What are your influences?
Individually our influences vary from classical music to extreme metal. As a band, symphonic metal bands like Nightwish, Within Temptation and Epica has probably been our biggest influences from the beginning, putting together the pieces of our own sound.
«As I’m schooled in both classical and rhythmic singing I am very influenced by the voices of many genres. Artists and singers like Kate Bush, Sharon den Adel and Simone Simons, amongst others, has been and will continue to be a huge inspiration and influence to my own voice and performance.» Lead singer, Karine Jæger
Can you tell us about the metal scene in Oslo?
It’s a well known fact that Norwegian metal mostly exist outside Norwegian borders and doesn't get the recognition it deserves at home. The metal scene in Oslo is definitely affected by that, but is kept alive in the underground scene and on small pubs around the central area of the city. Unfortunately there’s not really much room for defining subgeneres and most bands gets labeled as metal, regardless of the subgenere.
«But no matter your taste, you'll find something - even if the venue is cramped and the sound terrible.» - Drummer, Jonatan Aagaard

Who are your favourite Norwegian metal band?
Dimmu Borgir, Sirenia, Enslaved and Tristania.

How were the songs written?
Our writing process for «Fading» has been partially individual as each of us has our own style of writing. We wrote the basic outline of a song and pitched it to the rest of the band, then letting them contribute to the music and add what was needed to make it a Svovel song.

How did the recording process go?
It went very well. We had so many amazing and talented people working with us to make «Fading» sound just like we wanted. We’re a band on a tight budget so we had to pull a lot of strings to make the process as cost-efficient as possible. We’re very thankful for all the support and help we’ve received throughout the journey of making «Fading».

What does the future hold for a new album?
We’re already working on new songs for our next album and have even played a few of them live. The next album is definitely going to be longer than «Fading», but for now that’s all we can say. There’s more to come!

What are your future plans?
We want to play more shows outside of Oslo, and maybe also outside of Norway. Our next album is being written as we speak and hopefully we’ll be ready for a new release by next summer!

Are there any countries you're interested in touring or performing in? Why?
We’ve talked a lot about touring in the future, and will for now probably focus our tour in the Western and Central Europe area, visiting countries like Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and Poland - places where the symphonic metal genre already is well established and where we’ll get to experience new audiences.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
To play alongside legendary bands in the symphonic metal genre would be an honor. If we dear dream; bands like Nightwish, Within Temptation and Epica would be on the top of our list. Though, we’ve experienced that by also playing alongside bands of different genres, we get to connect with an audience that would not otherwise have sought us out.

Any last words?
«Fading» is available for streaming and download on Spotify and iTunes! Find us on Facebook and Instagram to tell us what you think!


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