Reviews: Велиар - Сквозь Века

Reviews: Велиар - Сквозь Века

Reviews: Велиар - Сквозь Века

3rd Full Length Album from Russian Melodic Death Metal Band, Велиар. I reviews this album track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Элевтерофобия. Devil Vocals with Splendor and Cold Symphonic. The riffs rather Thrash Metal and drums are solid, it’s the luxury of the darkness. This song fury. 2nd track, Сириус. The Blasting Drums are madness and the riffs are solid and rather Groove Metal. Without Symphonic, but to roar. 3rd track, Частица бога. The Atmosphere darkest and gloom. The Guitar riffs and licks darkest. The Blasting Drums are Madness and the Wah Guitar sounds made this song more Insane.

4th track, Дарующий счастье. This song combine Folk and Melodic Death Metal perfectly. Great Guitar solo and solid riffs. 5th track, Обман (В тумане дурмана). This song combine Melodic Blackened Death Metal with Electronic and Space Ambient elements. 6th track, На острове Буяне. 55% Harsh Vocals, 45% Clean Vocals, Black Metal riffs & licks and madness Folk elemens.

7th track, Провидец. Combine Electronic elements and Progressive elements. They’re present a magnificent blackened death metal song. 8th track, Хореомания. This song more Black Metal and Mad Blasting. 9th track, Битва на Воже. This song is more Power Metal, but with Blackened Death Metal vocals. 10th track, Неизбежность. The riffs are groovy and the blasting always mad. Old School Death Metal vocals with Modern Metal composition.

More Blasting than Melodic. Every tracks are Blasting and every tracks are Insane. They’re combine Darkness, Insanity, Luxury and Splendor. All in One on this Album.
Score: 95%

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