Reviews: The Forbidden Ritual – Tearfrost

Reviews: The Forbidden Ritual – Tearfrost

Reviews: The Forbidden Ritual – Tearfrost

EP Debut from India Progresive Death Metal Band, The Forbiden Ritual. I reviews this EP track by track.

1st track, Elation In Oblation.  The Vocals like Randy Blythe (Lamb of God), rather melodic, the riffs are groove, dark and sharp. The Guitar solo is very Harmonic Minor and Great. 2nd track, Ruth. Melodic licks and Progressive elements are balance. This song Dark, Heavier and the riffs are Sharp. Guitar solo and breakdown are really solid. 3rd track, Lake Of The Decayed. A lot mid-tempo and more melodic. This song rather Djent, and the guitar solo is excellent, combine diminished progressive licks, acoustic licks and with solid breakdown. 4th track, Petrichor. This song slower than previous tracks and the guitar licks are melancholic. This song rather Djent and combine Darkness with Progressive perfectly. A lot Melodic and Dark ending.

The Cover Art is Great, Dark and Beauty like an Art with Oil Colors. Every tracks on this album really solid, melodic, modern and progressive.
Melancholic Modern Progressive Album.
Score: 98%
The Forbidden Ritual:

1 Response to "Reviews: The Forbidden Ritual – Tearfrost"

  1. I've listened to it and yes they are a great band. This review justified their work.


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