Reviews: Dodecahedron – Kwintessens

Reviews: Dodecahedron – Kwintessens

2nd Full Length Album from Dutch Avant Garde Black Metal Band. I reviews this Album track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Prelude. A dark opening. Avant-Garde, Psychedelic, Experimental and Dark Atmosphere. All in one on this song. 2nd track, TETRAHEDRON - The Culling Of The Unwanted From The Earth. Although a dark song, the Jazz elements are very dominant. The psychedelic atmosphere and noise elements are excellent, just like a song in the horror movies. 3rd track, HEXAHEDRON - Tilling The Human Soil. Dry vocals with cold atmosphere, jazz elements and dark melodic licks. This song are cold, psychedelic, dark and avant-garde. 4th track, Interlude. An instrumental, and rather Post-Black Metal song.

5th track, OCTAHEDRON – Harbinger. The psychedelic and avant-garde atmosphere are excellent, and made me slightly tipsy. A chaotic dark song, chaotic composition and dark. 6th track, DODECAHEDRON - An ill-Defined Air Of Otherness. The atmosphere are darker and very gloom. After the atmospheric part, the music composition change to chaotic and blast. On the last part, the atmosphere is calm and the synth effect is perfect. 7th track, Finale. An experimental song. Dark, Gloomy, Psychedelic and a little bit Electro. 8th track, ICOSAHEDRON - The Death Of Your Body. Rather slower than previous tracks, and the riffs are heavy. The effects are great and the cymbal is noise. Than previous track, effects on this song are magnificent.

The music composition on every track are easy and the sound effects are dark, gloom, noise, electro, psychedelic, space, and avant-garde. This’s really easy, but very solid and great. The Jazz elements are really solid, although the jazz elements are vague and not much.
A great combination between Psychedelic, Gloomy, and Darkness.
Score: 100%

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