Interview with Extravasion

Interview with Extravasion

Extravasion is French Tech Death Band. They're Clément Berthou - Bass, Baptiste Pernette - Guitars (lead), Emil Sir Grand-Duc - Vocals (lead), and Guillaume Pepin - Drums. Extravasion gave ussome information. Check it out. Extravasion @ Facebook

Tell us about Extravasion?

Extravasion is a French thrash/death technical metal band created in 2013 by our guitarist Baptiste, but the actual line up was established in 2016. After several years with an unstable line-up, Baptist choose to fully reconstruct the band.

What are lyrical themes of Extravasion?
The lyrical themes of Extravasion are really diversified, in our EP we are approaching the subjects of excessive consumption, abuses of the Financial system, and Sci-Fi themes. We didn’t want to restrict ourselves to the standards of thrash metal, so we allowed us to make experimentations, like in the ending song, “La Nuit” that has been wrote in French and was inspired by the work of Philippe Druillet, a French artist. Furthermore, our singer Emil has made some incredible artworks to illustrate every song of the album in the booklet inside the digipack.

What are your influences?
We are Influenced by bands like Aspid, Vektor, Atheist, Obliveon and many others! On the other hand, we are convinced that, to make an interesting music, each band members must use his personal influences, even (and more) if it’s not metal. We don’t like the copy and paste process that occurs in the actual Thrash metal scene. We want to offer a personal as well music to our public.

How did you choose the cover artwork for "Origins of Magma"?

The cover of our Ep has been drawn by our singer Emil, it’s like an illustrated synthesis of the themes that we approach in our songs. We have taken a particular attention to the visual work of the digipack that has been made in collaboration between our singer Emil for the artworks and our bassist Clément for the design.

How were the songs written?
Two songs of the EP like “Flames of industry” and “Circle of Life” has been wrote with the ancient line-up, but all the lyrics have been rewritten. The other songs are the result of the work of the new line-up. Generally, our guitarist Baptiste suggest some riffs and we discuss of the structure of the song. Each musician write his own parts.

How did the recording process go?
Our Ep have been recorded, mixed and mastered at the Walnut Groove Studio by Axel Wursthorn. It took eight days of work and it was an incredible experience, we really appreciate the work and the energy of our producer.

What are your future plans?

We’re doing a hard work of composition in order to record an album by next year. We also want to tour and spread our music as well it’s possible.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
We would like to play in every country if it was possible, especially in north America and Latina America! But for now, we’re interested in France and European countries.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
There are many little bands in France and Europe that deserve attention and we would like to play alongside each of them. Furthermore, we are discussing for the coming of Toxic in France.

Any last words?
We would like to thank everyone who support us and allow us to continue to progress and share our music.

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