Reviews: Yearn For Change - Apocalyptic Tales And Legends From The Epic Underworld

Reviews: Yearn For Change - Apocalyptic Tales And Legends From The Epic Underworld

EP Debut from French Melodeath Band. I reviews this EP track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Burn. The guitar riffs rather vague, and the guitar licks and solo are catchy and Swedish. 2nd track, Dance of the 7 dead witches. The guitar licks are very Nordic and the composition is easiest. 3rd track, Heroes. Like previous track, this song is easy and Nordic. 4th track, Avoid the fate. The vocals lower than previous tracks and the riffs are deeper than previous tracks. The guitar solo is great. 5th track, Back to skull. Although this’s longest track, but the composition is easiest.

Too Nordic, and too easy. Easy, catchy and enjoyable.
Score: 88%
Yearn For Change:

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