Reviews: Bleak Flesh - Overcoming Reality

Reviews: Bleak Flesh - Overcoming Reality

New EP from Bleak Flesh. I reviews this EP track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Overcoming Reality. The music composition very chaotic and rather atmospheric. Although chaotic, but it’s solid progressive opening. Like The Faceless, but more chaotic. 2nd track, Expanding the Existence. The riffs are Dark, the guitar licks rather Melodic and a little bit electronic element. Although the duration shorter, but the progressive element is sick. 3rd track, Galactic Monolith. This song more Technical and the vocals so Fry. It’s easy Technical Death metal song with a little bit electronic elements. 4th track, The Dawn of the Ancient Realms (Instrumental). Epic Instrumental song, combine classical, electronic and progressive perfectly. 5th track, Sunshine. Started with Melancholic Symphony. The vocals are mixed (clean and harsh vocals), the composition is easy, a lot atmospheric elements and with a little bit electronic element on outro. Easy Djent song. 6th track, Radial Velocity. The riffs are rather coarse, the vocals are fry and great neoclassical guitar solo. Great combination between Djent, Electronic and Neoclassical. 7th track, The Spectral Path. This song more blasting and a lot neoclassical elements. Neoclassical elements on this song are catchy, I’m enjoyable these parts.

The Cover Art is Great. This EP really magnificent, combine Progressive, Djent, Neoclassical and Electronic music perfectly.
Score: 100%
Bleak Flesh:

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