Reviews: Warfist - Metal to the Bone

Reviews: Warfist - Metal to the Bone

Full Length Album from Polish Underground Black Metal Band, Warfist. This album released via Godz Ov War Productions. I reviews this Album track by track.

1st track, Pestilent Plague. Like Slayer but the Vocals more dry, more Blasting and Sick Guitar solo. 2nd track, Written with Blood. Drums like Machine Gun, and Sickness Shredding lick. Written with Blood and singing with Full Blasting and Fury. 3rd track, Convent of Sin. Straight music, and Thrash!

4th track, Tribe of Lebus. It’s very Slayer, rather Crossover and Wah! 5th track, Breed of War. An insane war song. Sharp riffs and Poetic lyrics. 6th track, Metal to the Bone. Shrieking Scream, Noisy Cymbal and Full Blasting.

7th track, NecroVenom. This song is rather Voivod, I think this’s Black Metal version of Old School Voidvod. 8th track, Playing God. Solid Thrash Riffs, and Punk Drums. It’s Blackened Thrash Punk! 9th track, Reclaim the Crow. It’s Punk Black Metal. This’s Great Ending.

Black Metal version of Slayer!
Slayer to the Black Metal.
Score: 95%

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