Interview with Fractal Cypher, Progressive Metal Band from Canada

Interview with Fractal Cypher, Progressive Metal Band from Canada

Fractal Cypher is Progressive Metal Band from Montreal, Canada. They're Tommy Fradette - Bass, Steven Cope - Drums, Vincent Bruneau - Guitars, Ludovick Daoust - Keyboards, and Simon Lavoie - Vocals. Simon gave us some information about Fractal Cypher. Check it out.

Tell us about Fractal Cypher?
We are a progressive metal band from Montreal, Canada. We try to do honest music, mixing different genres of music and blend it into a coherent whole. We like complexity but the focus is on the melodies. A catchy melody with aggressive and technical riffs would be a good way to describe our music.

What are lyrical themes of Fractal Cypher?
We don’t have precise lyrical themes but for the album “The Human Paradox” the main topic was about human particularities, all exploited from different perspectives, mood and situations. For another release the lyrical content would probably be miles away from that. We love to explore and go to different places. 

What are your influences?
We have very diversified influences within the band. From bands like Children of Bodom, Dream Theater, Symphony X to Nighwish, Avantasia, Stratovarius, etc. Add to that more modern bands like Periphery, Tesseract and Scar Symmetry and you get the flavor of Fractal Cypher.

Who are Your Favorite Canadian Metal Bands?
We really like Ascendia, Pyramid Theorem, Universe Effects and Beyond Creation.

How did you choose the cover artwork for "The Human Paradox"?
It was the result of a good brainstorm. We thought that the king chess piece in the middle surrounded by its pawn represented well the way things work in our modern societies and what need to be fought. That’s the Human Paradox, we want freedom yet we stay into a system that enslaves us.

How were the songs written?
The music was mostly written by Ludovick, the keyboard player. Then I compose the lyrics and we arrange the songs the whole band together.

How did the recording process go?
It went pretty well actually, despite all the schedule issues we had. We managed to pull that off according to the deadline we had in mind.

What are your future plans?
We will try to gig more. We are actually planning our summer for the festivals and some other dates for next fall.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
We’d really like to go to the states since is the closest country from Canada and it has a huge amount of metal fans. But of course, our dream is to cross the ocean and tour Europe. All of our favorite bands are European and it would be a great pleasure to play those great countries where bands we like since forever come from.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
Symphony X would be great. As far as I’m concerned, opening for Nightwish would be the cream of the crop. As well as for Avantasia which is a band I really like. And, a band I discovered not too long ago, Theocracy, is a really good band that I’m pretty sure we would get along perfectly, both musically and personally, they seem to be good guys.

Any last words?
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Interesting things will be announced pretty soon. And thank you for your time reading this, hope to see you all soon.

Fractal Cypher:

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