Reviews: Brought By Pain - Crafted By Society

Reviews: Brought By Pain - Crafted By Society

Crafted by Society, EP from Canadian Progressive Death Metal Band.

1st track, Ending. The Guitar lick like Iron Maiden and the Riff is rather Thrash Metal. Excellent Fretless Bass, changeable Drums tempo, and variative Harsh Vocals. Although titled “Ending” but this’s great opening. 2nd track, Crafted By Society. Rough riffs, a little bit Neoclassical element and variative Harsh Vocals. This song is very Obscura. 3rd track, Broadcast. Like Death but more Melodic and Solo Guitar on this song is so Madness. Evil Guitar licks and Madness Drums.

Blow our mind with Great and Abstract composition.
Score: 99%

 Brought By Pain:

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