Reviews: From The Vastland – Chamrosh

Reviews: From The Vastland – Chamrosh

4th Full Length Album from Iran-Norwegian One Man Black Metal Band. I reviews this Album trackby track. Check it out.

1st track, Wizarsh. The Guitar riffs like Bathory and with some Persia elements. Cold Atmosphere like Scandinavia climate and Harmonize Persia elements. 2nd track, The Malkusan Witch. This song a little bit Psychedelic and a little bit Noise. But I think this song like Taake. 3rd track, Kresaspa & Seven Daevas. Gloomy Riffs with some Persia elements. Straight music from the beginning until the end.

4th track, Chamrosh. This  song is Sad Rhythm and the Riffs is so Harmonic. 5th track, Saurva, Demon Of Hunger. Sad and Cold Riffs like the Demon in the Darkness. 6th track, I & My Serpents. Sad acoustic part on this song is excellent. I & My Serpents, this song really present Dark, Sad, and Harmonize composition. 7th track, Mardazma. This song rather Slow than previous tracks, but more Dark. Cold Atmosphere, Insect sounds, and Dark acoustic Guitar licks, a great combination like the darkness of the night in the winter.

Dark and Cold like the Darkness of the Night in the Winter.
Score: 95%
From The Vastland:

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