Reviews: Self-Hatred – Theia

Reviews: Self-Hatred – Theia

Reviews: Self-Hatred – Theia

Full Length Album from Czech Death Doom Metal Band. I reviews this Album track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Guilt. Melancholis song of the Monster. This song rather Melodic with Melancholic and Dark Atmosphere. Banshee Scream and cheerful Whisper on the last part. 2nd track, Theia. A melancholis instrumental song. Melancholic, Cold and Excellent.

3rd track, Slither. Started with Noise intro. She sing awesomely, she’s sing in Banshee Screaming, Growls and melancholic clean vocals. Church Organ sound made this song darkest. 4th track, Attraction. Melodic Music, Melancholic Choir, Heavy Riffs, Cold Atmospheric. The Attraction of the Doom.

5th track, No Judgement. It’s Death Doom Metal version of Arch Enemy, her vocals remembered me to Angela Gossow.  The Beautiful of Dejected. 6th track, Self-reflection. Mid-tempo song and the Atmosphere more pronounced. Her vocals awesome, she’s sing in Growl and Scream like banshee. 7th track, Memories. The Atmosphere on this song like in Horror Movies. Excellent Melodic and Melancholic.

She’s sing excelellently, her vocals are variative. Then rather Melodic and Melancholy Atmosphere.
A Beautiful of the Melancholy.
Score: 95%

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