Reviews: Gargantua - Avant-Propos

Reviews: Gargantua - Avant-Propos

Reviews: Gargantua - Avant-Propos

Gargantuan is Prog/Avant Garde Death Metal from France. Formed in  2013 in Paris. This Album Mastered and Mixed by Jean-François Di Rienzo and Artwork by Okiko.

1st track, A Delightful Sense of the Absurd. A Death Metal song combined with some Electronic element, some Accordion, some Choir and Jazz element. Changeable tempo, Harmony Guitar Licks, and Choir on this song made this song so Amazing.

2nd track, Threshold of Death part I – Gutters. This song more Melodious than 1st track and on this song we hear a vague bell sound. Variative Harsh Vocals, changeable tempo, changeable composition, some Accoustic Guitar licks, Clean Vocal during 49 seconds and Folk element from Accordion sound. This’s a song with Great Composition.

3rd track, Threshold of Death part II - Inherent Lunacy. Combination of Harsh and Clean Vocals, Classical, Folk and Electronic element. Accordion Solo on this song it’s really Epic. 4th track, Ne Mot Dire. And so, some Slap Bass part made this song so Groovy.

A Masterpiece, although only 4 songs.
Score: 100%

Reviews: Gargantua - Avant-Propos

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