Interview with SinSilencio, Underground Prog Metal from Chile

Interview with SinSilencio, Underground Prog Metal from Chile, Interview with SinSilencio Underground Prog Metal from Chile

Interview with SinSilencio, Underground Prog Metal from Chile

SinSilencio is Undreground Prog Metal Band from Chile. Salvador Reyes, gave us a bit more information about Santiago Metal Scene and SinSilencio. Check it out.

Interview with SinSilencio, Underground Prog Metal from Chile, Interview with SinSilencio Underground Prog Metal from Chile


What’s Lyrical themes of SinSilencio?
Existentialism, philosophy and facts with little glimpses of criticism to the society framed in the Chilean reality.

Can you tell me about SinSilencio?
SinSilencio born in Santiago de Chile, in 2001 when we were kids in school dreaming to be like the big bands, after a dosis of covers from our fav bands we start to create song and with tima we have our first album "SinTiempo" (without time, no time or timeless) and after that we start to create our second album and all the work and effor that came along, and now promotion of the second and then to create a 3rd we hope.

What are your influences?
Our influences goes from Metal to Latin folk music, each of us have different styles we love but the common ground have been always Rock/Metal/Prog between us, we love bands like, Iron Maiden (for me the best of all times), Judas Priest, Helloween, and along the years there are band that right now are influences we listen like, Meshuggah, Gojira, Cynic, Devin Townsend Project, Strapping Young Lad, among others but the "Chilean " influences for us is Los Jaivas a prog rock chilean band that we also have a cover in our second album "La Conquistada" and florcita motuda, congreso, etc.

Can you tell us about metal scene in your town?
In our town the capital of Chile there's a lot of different styles of rock/metal bands, but the development of them depend on their own, the pubs or venues rent the place, and obviously the main media dont have too much space for Chilean music even worst to music that is singing about the problem we have in our society called Chile, and the controlled radios dont want that people hear the problem that almost all the emerging music is singing, also the country have to push a law in the senate for having a 20% more of chilean music in the radios but the radios put that space in the time that usually people are sleeping, so there is a scene but is moved by the bands themselves and the music lovers.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in?
Yes, we love to tour in Latin America, USA, Europe, (the countries that love metal) and any country that like our music, but i dont think any muscician could say no to that answer. we live to play and have our music heard thats the main feed for our soul that we in this complex road choose for living.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
Well theres a lot of bands we love and admire and be with any of them will be an honor, but for names a few: Iron Maiden, Metallica, Helloween, Meshuggah, Gojira, Dream Theater, Devin Townsend Project, Leprous... and if a look into my playlist i will find a lot more, hahaha.

Any last words?
Here from the last corner of the world we invite you to listen our second album "Toroide", and if you like follow us in our social media. and as our song "Hospital" says: "Live as a Total beign, and not a Social beign"! Thanks a lot!!!

SinSilencio Discography:

- Vive! (2011)
- Sin Tiempo (2011)
- Toroide (2016)


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