Reviews: Archɇtype – Mission

Reviews: Archɇtype – Mission

Reviews: Archɇtype – Mission

Archɇtype, Proggressive Death/Thrash Metal from Canada. Lyrical themes about: Vulgarity, Megalomania, Power Trip, Self Derision, Anger. Mission is First Full Length Album from Archɇtype.

Reviews: Archɇtype – Mission

1st track, Welcome. Psychedelic atmosphere on intro part. Chaotic composition and Progressive with fury Vocal. 2nd track, Declaration. Although this song is fury, but I’m very enjoyable Neoclassical Guitar part on this song. Fury song with Neoclassical Guitar. Fury, Neoclassical, Melodic, and Chaotic.

3rd track, Ambitious. Melodic and Progeessive Guitar licks, Blasting and Anger. And lyric structure on this song is Great. 4th track, Foundation. A song with Insane composition. Harmonic and Jazz Guitar lick, Groovy Bass, Choir and interrupted Snare Drum beat on some parts.

5th track, Surprise. Fury, Blasting, Harmonic, Progressive and Blasting. 6th track, Episode. Chaotic music with Progressive Guitar Lick. Although chaotic, with Progressive element and spoken words on the last part, at least this’s beauty of the chaos.

7th track, Glimpse. Darkest song on this Album. The composition is Most Amazing. Neoclassical Guitar Lick and Dark Guitar Riffs made this song is Beauty and Black. Not fury, but Darkest. 8th track, Valediction. Melodic Guitar Lick on this song it’s easy and catchy. Music composition on this song not complex and hard like previous songs plus some chant made this song is very Power. 9th track, Ouverture Ambitieuse. Just Orchestral song, but Dark.

A Fury Album and Highly Quality. Neoclassical Guitar Lick and Progressive element combined with Fury Vocals and Chaotic Composition. This’s Brilliant debut.
Score: 100%


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