Interviews with Exenemy, Power Metal Band from Bangladesh

Interviews with Exenemy, Power Metal Band from Bangladesh, Interviews with Exenemy Power Metal Band from Bangladesh

Interviews with Exenemy, Power Metal Band from Bangladesh

Exenemy is Power Metal Band from Bangladesh. And on this Year they’re will release New Album. Mashuq Haque, gave us a bit more information about Bangladesh Metal Scene, and Exenemy Upcoming Album. Check it out.

Interviews with Exenemy, Power Metal Band from Bangladesh, Interviews with Exenemy Power Metal Band from Bangladesh
The lineup of Exenemy. Starting from left: Shahriar Hassan (Drums), Ahmed Souren (Guitar), Shanil Arnab (Guitar), Emran Hassan (Vocals), Mashuq Haque (Keyboard), and Akib Sharif (Bass).

Can you tell us about Bangladesh Metal scene?
Exenemy: Oh my, sure thing i would love to give an interview. Bangladesh is a country where many worship metal. We have extreme fans to cover up a stadium consisting 80 thousand somewhat fans to see big bands and our underground scenario is also rising very fast. Metalcore is rising very fast into the scenario but thrash was always the country’s flavor I must say and it is very surprising at the same time a joy for us to see the people enjoyed our EP this much and the support we got was mind blowing. Power metal was also a genre that many worshiped as well.There was a great power metal band that we respect personally ‘’Funeral Anthem’. But there are great bands in the country right now. Famous bands like Aurthohin, Artcell, Warfaze, etc was always there but lately bands like, Ionic bond, Surtur, Roman Sacrifice (very new to the scene) are rising fast. We have famous metal bands like Mechanix, Powersurge, Gene Split, etc who made a huge impact to this country’s underground scenario in the mid 2000’s.

Who is famous Metal Band in Bangladesh?
Right now Its Severe Dementia, which is probably the first ever Death Metal band from the country

Who are your favorite Bangladesh Metal Band?
Cryptic Fate, Vikings, Vibe, Rockstrata, Aurthohin and the list goes on!

Can you tell us about Exenemy upcoming album?
We have just finished recording our album, and we are seeking for an international Record Label, hence we have been knocked by some local Record labels for deals but lets see.

What's lyrical themes of Exenemy New Album?
Our full-length album is more like the complete version of our EP. The concept of the album is almost the same as it was of our EP ‘’Overture’’. The lyrical themes are about the freedom fighters we lost on the liberation war back in 1971.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in?
Definitely Brazil, Germany, England, Sweden, Japan, USA and so many other countries.

What bands would you like to play alongside?
Exenemy: Dragonforce, Kamelot, Myrath, Orden Ogan, Galneryus and of course Symphony X.

Any last words?
We would like to say thanks to all our fans and supporters.we couldn’t have done it without your endless support…we promise to give you an amazing album and sound which will be completely new and overwhelming that you’ll ever heard.

Exenemy Discography:
-          Overture (2015)
-          The Unnamed Soldier (2016)
-          ……………….. (2016)

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