Reviews: SevenSins - Due Diaboli Et Apocalypsea

Reviews: SevenSins - Due Diaboli Et Apocalypsea

2nd Full Length Album from Kazakhstan Symphonic Blackened Death Metal Band, SevenSins. I reviews this Album track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Tempus Mortuorum. Crow sounds, Rain souns, a Symphony, and spoken words. An experimental opening. 2nd track, Kabbalah. Blackened Death vocals, the riffs is too death metal, dark symphony and sick harmonic minor solo. 3rd track, Alchemist. The Symphony is so excellent, the vocals on this song are mixed between harsh, clean and female voice, the vocals are too awesome. The Guitar solo is simple and catchy and this song ended with simple guitar lick and synth sounds. 4th track, Peregrinus. The symphonic is very splendor and luxury. It’s luxury blackened death metal song. The guitar solo is simple and harmonize.

5th track, Mors Atra. Harmonize riffs & licks and the symphony is dark, splendor and cold. 6th track, Due Diaboli. The Dark and Splendor symphony and Neoclassical guitar solo. This song more classical. 7th track, Seraphim. Dislike previous tracks, this song is mid-tempo. The Beauty and The Beast vocals are awesome and the music composition very classical. Classical and Dark. 8th track, Avicenna. Started with Indian percussion. This song is very orient, a symphonic blackened death metal song with middle east and indian folk influences. This song very splendor and magnificent.

9th track, Praesuptio Reatum. This song combine symphony and some folk elements. Perfect combination between classical, blackened death metal and folk. This song very middle eastern. 10th track, Infinitas Non. Mid-tempo song with gloomy symphony and dark licks. Easier, but Epic. 11th track, Teofelspakt. This song rather Melodic and the solo is dark and simple. Like 10th track, the composition of this song is easier, easier but splendor and glorious.

The Symphony on every tracks are very splendor and luxury, the blasting are solid and the guitar solo on every tracks are simple, but great.
The Splendor and the Magnificent of the Darkness.
Score: 100%

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