Interview with Riverroth, Thrash Metal Band from Serbia

Interview with Riverroth, Thrash Metal Band from Serbia, Interview with Riverroth Thrash Metal Band from Serbia

Interview with Riverroth, Thrash Metal Band from Serbia

Riverroth is Thrash Metal and from Novi Sad, Serbia. They're Mladen Ivankovic - Drums, Miodrag Delic - Guitars, and Strahinja Jankovic - Vocals, Bass. Riverroth gave us some information. Check it out.

Tell us about Riverroth?
Riverroth was formed in october 2015,but after numerous changes the final lineup was completed in 2016 where we had our very first gigs. In the beginning we played covers of bands like Toxic Holocaust, Slayer, Exodus, Sodom, Death...Then after short period of time we recorded our EP"Infernal Thrashing".

What are lyrical themes of Riverroth?
Lyrical themes on EP are mostly classic thrash themes (War, Death, Radioactive, Zombies :D)
but we also like to throw in a bit of blasphemy :)

What are your influences?
Well,we have some modern thrash influences like Violator but we also tend to throw in some oldschool like Venom, Sodom, Destroyer666..

Interview with Riverroth, Thrash Metal Band from Serbia, Interview with Riverroth Thrash Metal Band from Serbia
How did you choose the cover artwork for "Infernal Thrashing"?
The idea for the artwork was given by our guitarist Miodrag,because it combined our classic thrash and warfare lyrical themes and it simply looked cool :)

How were the songs written?
The riffs were mostly written by Miodrag(lead guitar) and our past member Luka Djurovic(Guitar),for the lyrics we had help from our friend from Deathonation(Ivan Ica Falb) who written the lyrics for "No pain to feel" and "Infernal Thrash",and the "Hordes of Roth was written by me(Strahinja-Bass guitar and vocal).

How did the recording process go?
It took us a little bit longer than expected because it was our first recording and we were just learning some thing, but there were no bigger problems.

What are your future plans?
When it comes to ur future plans,we are preforming on "Zlo Fest" where we will play with four more awesome bands,huge thanks to our friend from War Engine for inviting us to play there!! After that we will maybe go on a short pause to make some new songs.

Are there any countries you’re interested in touring or performing in? Why?
We are interested in playing in all countiries because why not it would be a cool expirience for sure :)

What bands would you like to play alongside?
there are many bands with who we would like to play alongside but here are some of them Kreator, Sodom, Havok, Terrorhammer...

Any last words?
Huge thanks to you guys from BDP Metal for inviting us for this interview,and thanks to everyone who are supporting us.
Hailz from Serbia, support underground!!! <666

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