Reviews: Promethean – Aloades

Reviews: Promethean – Aloades

Reviews: Promethean – Aloades

EP Debut from France Progressive Symphonic Blackened Death Metal Band, Promethean. I reviews this EP track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Le Supplice des Aloades. Blackened Death with Dark and Splendor Symphony. The Guitar solo is simple and rather Neoclassical. A Plendor of the Darkness. 2nd track, Niobides. This song more Melodic, Darker than previous track and the Drums are really solid. Breakdown part on this song made made this song more solid. 3rd track, The Plague. This song more Symphonic Black Metal. Dark and Solid composition. 4th track, A Forbidden Symphony. Solid melodic licks, solid blasting and excellent symphony.

Combine Symphonic Blackened Death Metal with Progressive Death Metal excellently. Dark, Brutal, Spendor and Progressive.
Score: 95%

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