Reviews: A Taste Of Fear - God's Design

Reviews: A Taste Of Fear - God's Design

Reviews: A Taste Of Fear - God's Design

Full Length Debut Album from Italian Death Metal Band. I reviews this Album track by track. Check it out.

1st track, God's Design. The vocals very dry and the guitar solo really sick. The music was simple, but solid. 2nd track, Into Hell. This song heard more Metalcore. Although without guitar solo, this song was solid. 3rd track, Out Of Place. Started with calm acoustic guitar licks. Yeah, although this song heavy, hard and full distorted. But the guitar solo very excellent, acoustic and mellow. 4th track, A Feared Secret. His vocals rather whispered in the beginning part. The music composition was easy listening and the guitar solo very progressive and a little bit neoclassical.

5th track, Make Suffer. The guitar solo very progressive with suffer shriek voices. Fretless bass licks made this song more Progressive and the riffs on this song heavier and sharper. 6th track, Ripped Soul's Gift. His vocals was dry and really rather like In Flames, and the guitar solo is so mad. 7th track, The Passage. Started with calm acoustic guitar licks. This song more melodic than previous tracks, and the guitar solo is sick. 8th track, A Taste Of Fear. The riffs are heaviest and very mid-tempo and also the guitar solo on this song is great.

When In Flames meet Thrash Metal and Progressive Death Metal.
Score: 95%
A Taste Of Fear:

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