Reviews: Scardust - Sands of Time

Reviews: Scardust - Sands of Time

Reviews: Scardust - Sands of Time

Full Length Debut Album from Israeli Female Fronted Symphonic Progressive Metal Band. I reviews this album track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Sands of Time: Overture. As opening song, this song very glorious. Classical elements, Great choir, Breakdown, and Groove Metal riffs combine perfectly. Guitar solo and Synth solo as well as are awesome. 2nd track, Sands of Time: Eyes of Agony. As shortest track in this album, the music composition was perfect and also she sang perfectly in Harsh and Clean vocals. This song are Banshee and Beauty. 3rd track, Sands of Time: Dials. The riffs are Groove and rather like Pantera and also the choir very amazing. The music tempo and the music composition were changeable drastically. She was also sang in Harsh, Clean and singing in softly and excellently. Changeable of tempo and composition drastically are really solid. Progressive, Groove and Classical, all in one in this song.

4th track, Sands of Time: Hourglass. The music composition really magnificent. Like hear a story escorted great orchestra. I think this song not heavy like previous tracks (I mean the riffs), but the composition really magnificent and beauty. 5th track, Sands of Time: Sands of Time. Like 4th track, this song is slower and heard very excellent. Although this song slower and soft, but the riffs are Groove Metal and sharp. 6th track, Arrowhead. The composition and the tempo were changeable. From Groove to Acoustic and Acoustic to Groove. The choir was magnificent. Yeah, this song very Magnificent, combine Progressive, Groove Metal, Acoustic, Symphony and Breakdown.

7th track, Out of Strong Came Sweetnes. The vocals are very variety like Male Harsh Vocals, Male Clean, and Female Choir. Vocals on this song really Magnificent and the music composition very glorious, although this song a lot breakdown elements. 8th track, Queen of Insanity. Started with Sick Neoclassical guitar licks. This’s Heaviest song in this Album. 55% Harsh vocals, 45% Female Clean Vocals and rather Djent. Synth solo is excellent and great. Her Vocals pretty amazing. 9th track, Blades. Although this song slow, but the guitar solo and guitar licks are magnificent. 10th track, Gift Divine. As ending song, Scardust close out this album  with easy song. Although easy, but the composition are complex and amazing. Catchy and Progressive.

Scardust combine Progreesive, Groove Metal, Breakdown, and Classical perfectly. Every songs are magnificent.
This’s Magnificent Progressive Metal Album in 2017.
Score: 100%

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