Reviews: The Hudson Horros – Ruiner

Reviews: The Hudson Horros – Ruiner

Reviews: The Hudson Horros – Ruiner

EP from American Underground Melodeath, The Hudson Horror. I reviews this EP track by track. Check it out.

1st track, Ruiner. Groovre music and shrap riffs. With Progressive elements, sharp rifss and blasting. It’s a great opening song. I love the guitar solo part on this song. 2nd track, Celestine. Easy song with Groove Metal riffs. Sharp and Blast. 3rd track, His Most Beloved. This song a little bit Technical, and really Groovy. Solid Drums and excellent Guitar solo. 4th track, The Hunt. The Riffs are catchy and great. Groove and Sharp. 5th track, Into The Crawling Chaos. This song a little bit atmospheric and very deatcore with some progressive elements. The Guitar solo very Harmonize.

Groove, Blast, and Progressive.
Score: 95%
The Hudson Horror:

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