Nightmare Corporation Dead Rider EP Reviews by BDP Metal

Nightmare Corporation Dead Rider EP Reviews by BDP Metal, Nightmare Corporation Dead Rider Reviews

Nightmare Corporation Dead Rider EP Reviews by BDP Metal

BDP Metal – Hello, Metalhead. On previous post I post about Nightmare Corporation, Melodic Death Metal Band from France. On for this post I will reviews Nighrmare Corporation EP, Dead Rider. Check it out.

                Dead City, 1st track. Melodic Death Metal with Trance element, Vocals Scream and Clean Vocals. Simple Guitar Solo from 03:04 until 03:25. The Lost Rider, 2nd track. Easy listening Melodic Death Metal song, catchy Melodic Death Metal Guitar riff, Simple Guitar Solo from 01:55 until end.

Dead Rider from Nightmare Corporation, Excellent Melodic Death Metal EP with simple Guitar Solo, Trance Element on the 1st track, Catchy Melodic Death Metal Guitar Riff, Soft Clean Vocals and Good Growls. This’s Excellent Modern Melodic Death Metal EP.

Score: 88%, Excellent.

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