Dream Theater - The Astonishing (Album Lyrics)

Dream Theater - The Astonishing (Album Lyrics), Dream Theater - Descent of the NOMACS (Instrumental), Dream Theater - Dystopian Overture (Instrumental), Dream Theater -  The Gift of Music (Lyrics), ream Theater - The Answer (Lyrics), Dream Theater - A Better Life (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Lord Nafaryus (Lyrics), Dream Theater - A Savior in the Square (Lyrics), Dream Theater - When Your Time Has Come (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Act of Faythe (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Three Days (Lyrics), Dream theater - The Hovering Sojourn (Instrumental), Dream Theater - Brother Can You Hear Me? (Lyrics), Dream Theater - A Life Left Behind (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Ravenskill (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Chosen (Lyrics), Dream Theater - A Tempting Offer (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Digital Discord (Instrumental), Dream Theater - The X Aspect (Lyrics), Dream Theater - A New Beginning (Lyrics), Dream Theater - The Road to Revolution (Lyrics), Dream Theater - 2285 Entr'acte (Instrumental), Dream Theater -  Moment of Betrayal (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Heaven's Cove (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Begin Again (Lyrics), Dream Theater - The Path That Divides (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Machine Chatter (Instrumental), Dream Theater -  The Walking Shadow (Lyrics), Dream Theater - My Last Farewell (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Losing Faythe (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Whispers on the Wind (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Hymn of a Thousand Voices (Lyrics), Dream Theater - Our New World (Lyrics), Dream Theater -  Power Down (Instrumental), Dream Theater -  Astonishing (Lyrics)

Dream Theater - The Astonishing (Album Lyrics)

Disc 1 - Act I :

01. Dream Theater - Descent of the NOMACS (Instrumental)

02. Dream Theater - Dystopian Overture (Instrumental)

03. Dream Theater -  The Gift of Music (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill Town Square - Day.

Far in the distant future, beyond the pages of our time.
Cold blooded wicked tyrants, threaten the freedom of mankind.
Corruption, lust and greed, define the new nobility.
Changing the course of history.

Across the vast North Empire, most people struggle to survive.
Living a meek existence while their secluded leader thrives.

We are living day to day, forced to bear the lion's share.
People just don't have the time for music anymore,
and no one seems to care!

My friends, I've seen the chosen one!
Our quest for freedom has begun.
He will be the answer to our prayers!

There walks a God among us, who's seen the writing on the wall.
He is the revolution, he'll be the one to save us all.

My brother Gabriel is all the hope we need,
shining like a beacon in the night.
Sheperd of Ravenskill, a reason to believe.
Music is the gift he brings,
the songbird stops to listen when he sings.  

04. Dream Theater - The Answer (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill Park - Day.

I don't pretend to have the answer.
Never said I held the key.
But somehow they see, a light inside of me.
Am I not the man who I was meant to be?

As the people gather round me, I never felt so all alone.
Is this the chance to be someone, my moment in the sun?
Why am I afraid of facing the unknown?

They are finding faith in me and they believe I'm the one to set them free. 

05. Dream Theater - A Better Life (Lyrics):

Int. Ravenskill Rebel Command - Night.

As fearless leader of the Ravenskill militia,
the blood of warriors flows throughout my veins.
My brother’s gift remains my secret ammunition.
It is our hope, our pride, a catalyst for change.

Still the fires of revolution burn within my eyes.
On this perilous road to freedom, he’s our one and only guide.

For many years, I’ve seen our people starve and suffer.
How many more will die before we stand and fight?
They ask me “Arhys, could things be any tougher?”
The answer’s no surprise, “Yes, you bet your life”.

Now the fires of revolution won’t burn forevermore.
I see liberty in our future and it’s one worth fighting for.

We all long for a better life,
like a dream that can’t be denied.
This is the moment, now is the time.
Freedom, if we live or if we die.

I shall give him a better life.
I swore this vow to my dying wife.
Sure, she would not survive.

Peacefully she slipped away.
The meaning in my life was born that day.
And so I found the strength to carry on,
with this crusade, it is my fate.

Evangeline, you lived a life of misery and pain.
Evangeline, I’ll never let your memory die in vain.
Evangeline, my heavy heart still bleeds.

I dedicate my life to set him free and I will carry on to plant the seeds.
I promise in the name of our new son, this battle won’t be over until it’s won! 

06. Dream Theater - Lord Nafaryus (Lyrics):

Int. Emperor's Palace - Night.

How the rumours are spreading like vines, of a man who has been glorified.
News finds its way to the Empire one day, where the envious ruler resides.

Should I fall for the stories I hear?
Is he really a threat I should fear?
Such a foolish young man, doesn’t seem to understand.
So let me be perfectly clear.

He may have them inspired, eating out of his hands.
But he’ll never be ruler of this land.

For myself I must see, what the hype is about.
I admit I’m intrigued.

I’ve heard the whispering of revolution, I know the aim of your plan.
You think insurgency is your solution and put your faith in one man.

His decision is made, so his journey begins.
Off to the edge of The Realm to meet the savior.

In the coming days they’ll announce his grace and he’ll ask to be amazed.

As a symbol of power and might, it will make for a breathtaking sight.
In a massive display with his family and guards by his side.

Arabelle, who means the world to me.
Our loyal son, my heir, your future king.
And Faythe, I treasure more than all the diamonds in my crown.
It isn’t hard to see, I couldn’t be more proud.

Into the far off reaches of the land,
to witness this great spectacle first-hand.
Is Gabriel the God he claims to be?
I guess we’ll see.

Yes, we shall see.  

07. Dream Theater - A Savior in the Square (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill Town Square - Day.

We have come to hear him sing,
to see this gift your savior brings.

A crowd has grown and all are mesmerized,
but silence quickly falls as Lord Nafaryus arrives.

Please don’t stop on my account,
show us what we’ve heard so much about?

In peace, we gather here today.

Don’t make him ask again!
Do as my father says!

Brother, worry not today.
I will share my music and they will soon be on their way.
They only know the Noise Machines (NOMACS).
So I’ll treat them all to sonic ecstasy.

Never in my dreams could I deserve,
to ever see a vision quite like her.
Then unexpectedly, I’m taken by surprise,
an angel just appeared before my eyes.  

08. Dream Theater - When Your Time Has Come (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill Town Square - Day.

When your time has come and you’re looking toward the light.
All that really matters is what you leave behind.
So let your heart be free, keep your spirit burning bright.
Set down the stones you carry, take the weight off your mind.

When you’re facing the path that divides,
know that I will be there by your side.
Find your strength in the sound of my voice,
and you’ll know which choice is right.

In this fleeting life, we can sometimes lose our way.
But night is always darkest just before the new day.

When you’re facing the path that divides,
know that I will be there by your side.
Find your strength in the sound of my voice,
and you’ll know which choice is right.

This very moment was always meant to be.
I never noticed, but all at once I see.

On the worst of days when I felt most alone,
with no one to share the secret that I hide.
I grew numb to all the emptiness inside,
but now I’ve found my home.  

09. Dream Theater - Act of Faythe (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill Town Square - Day.

I never knew they spent their days in rags,
while I enjoy the life they’ll never have.
Yet deep within their eyes hope still survives,
and they don’t seem to think this world’s so bad.

Even as they gather in the square,
they know a better life exists out there.
With unity and pride, faith stays alive.
How can I pretend that I don’t care?

I have always felt alone.
Living like a stranger inside of my own home.
Maybe now’s the time to greet the winds of change.
Could my destiny be right in front of me?

As a child behind the palace walls,
often times I’d search its secret halls.
And hope that I would find a treasure cast aside.
I came upon the greatest gift of all.

My music player, my private paradise.
My music player, a refuge I must hide.

Been lost at sea forever, adrifted far away.
Now finally for the first time I know I’ve found my way.

Found my way!  

10. Dream Theater - Three Days (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill Town Square - Day.

The admiration, the applause and the cheers.
I am impressed, you’ve brought us all to tears.
To think I didn’t notice the way you looked at her.
Now step down from your throne and let me bring you back to earth.

Need I remind you?
I am the ruler here, don’t overlook that fact!
Swearing allegiance to anyone but me.
No, I won’t put up with that.

Hide and protect him, send him away.
I’ll never play this game.
Stand by your savior, one thing remains.
I’ll find him just the same.

Imperial Guards:
Brace yourself, bow down to Nafaryus.
Pray for help, kneel before Nafaryus.

He’ll surrender on his own.
If not, there’ll be hell to pay.
I’ll tear down the city stone by stone.
You only have three days!

Send home the rebels, call off the fight,
in no uncertain terms.
Should you refuse me, fear for your lives.
Ravenskill shall burn!

Imperial Guards:
Brace yourself, bow down to Nafaryus.
Pray for help, kneel before Nafaryus.

With this frightening decree, Nafaryus departs.
They’re left to weigh the gravity of his threatening remarks.
Judgment day will soon arrive in only three days time.
Will Gabriel get out of this alive?

This remains the question on their minds! 

11. Dream theater - The Hovering Sojourn (Instrumental) 

12. Dream Theater - Brother, Can You Hear Me? (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill Rebel Command - Day.

Arhys & Rebel Militia:
Brother, can you hear me?
Your life is in my hands!
I will not surrender, never yield to his demands.
If we stand together, we will never fall.
Brother, we’re the answer to your call.

Brother, can you hear me?
You must not be afraid.
I will march beside you.
Have no fear, be strong, be brave.

We sing the song of freedom, our voices will resound.
Brother, we will never let you down.

On the road to revolution, we’re bound to make mistakes.
There’s a price that we must pay for every choice we make.
Freedom is a reason to stand up or give in.
But someone has to lose and someone has to win.

Brother, can you hear me?
I am not afraid.
I will not forsake you.
I’ll be strong and I’ll be brave.

I sing the song of freedom, my courage knows no bounds.
Brother, now I stand on solid ground.
Brother, I will never let you down.
Never let you down!  

13. Dream Theater - A Life Left Behind (Lyrics):

Int. Emperor's Palace - Night.

I never knew someone was out there.
A long way from nowhere, who could open my eyes.
All of this time while I’m sleeping, the world changed around me.
Now I’ve never felt more alive!

I’m waking up from a life left behind,
to see what lies ahead.
I’m waking up!

Fate found a way to bring them together.
Once and forever and won’t let them go.
Nothing I say can keep her from leaving.
Her life has new meaning, I lost her a long time ago.

I’m waking up from a life left behind,
To see what lies ahead.
I’m waking up!

I’m waking up!
Now that yesterday’s gone.
Won’t close my eyes again.
I’m waking up!

I’ll plan to return well disguised, make sure that I’m not recognized.
Tomorrow a new sun will rise and somehow I’ll find you.
Nothing will stand in my way, soon I will see you again.

I’m waking up from a life left behind,
To see what lies ahead.
I’m waking up!

I’m waking up!
Now that yesterday’s gone.
Won’t close my eyes again.
I will never look back.
I’m waking up!

You’ll be her shadow as she moves, my son.
But she can never know you’re there.
She is alone and rebel guards are everywhere.

I’ll keep her safe from all danger, won’t let her out of my sight.
Did I fail to mention my honest intentions?
This is the chance I deserve.
Heed my words, justice will be served.  

14. Dream Theater - Ravenskill (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill - Day.

Morning breaks beyond the night and she’s a world away.
Through crowded streets, this quiet hooded stranger makes her way.

Please, excuse me.
Sir, can you help me?
Where can I find this man?

Sorry, can’t speak, someone is waiting.

Yes, I understand.

As her will starts to fade and all but disappears.
Like a ghost, suddenly a boy standing there and all is clear.

I’m your friend, trust me, don’t be scared.
I am looking for your father and I promise I can help.
Now take my hand, we haven’t time to spare.

Hopeful and innocent, sensing no danger,
he sees humanity behind the stranger’s eyes.
Her true identity will be revealed when she sheds her disguise.

My intentions are faithful!
There’s a chance we can still end this game.
I’d be forever grateful to see him once again.

You dare to stand before my eyes!
You’re one of them, why would I trust you?

It’s not like that, I can’t go back!
Hope fades away with each passing second.

Lost in this moment is where I want to stay.
This can’t be broken, we need to find a way Gabriel!
I would wait a lifetime, just to see your face.
But all we have is one more day.

I remember your father was moved by my song.
I know when he sees we’re united, then he’ll understand.
We will walk this road together, we will face this hand in hand.
With music and love on our side, we can’t lose this fight.

Tomorrow our dream comes alive.
Comes alive.  

15. Dream Theater - Chosen (Lyrics):

Int. Gabriel's Hideout - Night.

Her words ring true, her message clear.
How can he hear through all the noise and dissonance?
I’ve seen a sign that he can change, if given just a chance.

Against all hope we found a way and it is all because she trusted me.
Why have a gift you can’t embrace, when all you need is faith?

And there’s a reason, now I see.
The reason I’ve been chosen.
She sees the light inside of me.
A reason to believe.

But I can’t climb this mountain without you.
No, I can’t face this on my own.
With you by my side, we will open his eyes,
and the truth will deliver us home.

And there’s a reason, now I see.
The path that he has chosen.
He fears the light inside of me.

In the absence of song, he’s forgotten right from wrong.
Our voices will release him, he’s refused to listen for too long.
I’m convinced beyond a doubt, there can be no other way.
He just has to hear me out, there’s so much I need to say.

But I can’t climb this mountain without you.
No, I can’t face this on my own.
With you by my side, we will open his eyes,
and the truth will deliver us home.  

16. Dream Theater - A Tempting Offer (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill - Night.

Trustful boy, unaware who’s watching.
Open the door, I am right behind you!

Int. Home of Arhys & Xander - Night.

Don’t resist me, child.
There’s no use in fighting.
We’ll be here a while!
Do you recognize me?

Look into my eyes, I’m the face of freedom.
When Daddy does arrive, he’s in for a surprise.

How dare you step inside my home?!

His life is in my hands!

You monster, leave my son alone!

You do know who I am.
Your love for him is strong.

He’s just a boy, he’s done no wrong.
This fight’s not his to lose.
I have everything you want.

Your next decision will decide his fate.
So listen to the words I have to say.

Give up the chosen one,
and you will guarantee your son lives the life you never had.

Wealth and prosperity, beyond what you have ever seen.
And best of all, Xander will be free.

He’ll never want again,
It’s such an easy choice.
Just think about your son.

And I won’t have to stand in Faythe’s dark shadow anymore.
I am through with being pushed aside,
tired of fighting for my father’s pride.
Take the evening to decide.  

17. Dream Theater - Digital Discord (Instrumental)

18. Dream Theater - The X Aspect (Lyrics):

Int. Home of Arhys & Xander - Night.

Betrayed my blood to save my son, a hopeless choice to make.
But who am I, If not the one who’s meant to keep him safe?
Is trust and loyalty still justified, if I deny him of a better life?

Gabriel has always been the strength I call upon.
But nothing breaks a father’s will to do what must be done.

Should I turn my back on him?
Abandon all our plans for revolution?
Will hope and freedom die by morning light?

Evangeline, I swore to you to love and guide our son.
Destiny has shown its face and now the time has come.

Desperation blinds me.
And through these bloodstained eyes I see the light.
A better life is worth this sacrifice.  

19. Dream Theater - A New Beginning (Lyrics):

Int. Emperor's Palace - Day.

Father, I implore you, don’t believe a word.
He is not the enemy, that is just absurd.
You may see his talent as some kind of threat.
But I knew we were meant to be from the day we met.

Give us both a chance for a new beginning.
Nothing would mean more to me.

He is just a man.
Can’t you show him mercy?
Sympathy and strength go hand in hand.

This man’s a fraud and a hoax, he’ll only shatter your hopes.
Saddest of all is to watch how you fall for this person who you hardly know.

Ignorant and stubborn, you have no respect.
Not just for your flesh and blood, but all who you protect.
Listen without judgment, keep an open mind.
If you cannot see the truth, you’re the one who’s blind.

We don’t stand a chance, that is his opinion.
Mother, can you talk to him?

Try to understand how they must be feeling.
Misery’s to know what might have been.

Why would I ever concede to listen to this fool.
How can you be so naive?
You must be living in a world of make-believe.
Do you really think this charlatan is who he claims to be?

Not long ago there was a time and place,
you too possessed the same desires as Faythe.
You knew how it felt to feel invisible.
Music calmed your soul, just like a drug.
Remember Bug?

Father is it true, Bug was always you?
Finally I can reveal, how music makes me feel.
Now you understand Why I was hiding!
This changes everything!

I will grant the chance for a new beginning.
In the end, the final word rests with me.  

20. Dream Theater - The Road to Revolution (Lyrics):

Int. Gabriel's Hideout - Day.

He only sees what he desires to see.
It took a while but finally he agreed.
Though everything may not turn out as planned.
If love’s a risk, it’s worth the chance.

I know where there is faith there’s always hope.
We’ll meet beneath the stars at Heaven’s Cove.
Where ghosts of yesterday once filled the lighted stage.
Taking our first step down a new road.

Ext. Ravenskill - Day.

Arhys, time is running out!
What will your decision be?
If you still have any doubt,
think about Evangeline.

Int. Home of Arhys & Xander - Day.

On the road to revolution, our salvation’s never free.
There’s a price for liberation, when you stand for your beliefs.
When the man in the mirror takes a long, hard look at me.
Will the person staring back, be the man I want to be?

Int. Emperor's Palace - Day.

Change my mind?
A waste of time, for soon he will be mine.

Open eyes, help me see which choice is right.

Disc 2 - Act II 

01. Dream Theater - 2285 Entr'acte (Instrumental)

02. Dream Theater -  Moment of Betrayal (Lyrics):

Int. Home of Arhys & Xander - Day.

Brace yourself, my brother.
I have breaking news!
The Noise Machines (NOMACS) lie still tonight.
There's no time to lose.

No more threats of bloodshed, no more pain and fear!
Ravenskill will brave the storm, our victory is near.

You are acting very strange!
Nervous and on edge.
I will be a voice for change!
Brother, give me strength!

Burning rose, secrets sold.
Moment of betrayal.
Kiss of death, blood revenge.
Moment of betrayal.

I have sworn to live and die by the warrior's code.
Never leave a man behind, may God redeem my soul.
I will give you what you need, my brother for my son.
Guilt and shame will burden me until my days are done.

Meet me tonight where the stars touch the sky.
He'll be alone there with nowhere to hide.

Burning rose, secrets sold.
Moment of betrayal.
Kiss of death, blood revenge.
Moment of betrayal.

He will be defenseless.
I'll look on, say I put up a fight.
There will be no witness.
They will call you a hero tonight.

Burning rose, secrets sold.
Moment of betrayal.
Kiss of death, blood revenge.
Moment of betrayal.

Threats and lies, changing sides.
Moment of betrayal.
Risking all, savior's fall.
Moment of betrayal. 

03. Dream Theater - Heaven's Cove (Lyrics):

Ext. Heaven's Cove Amphitheater – Night.

Under the glow of the midnight moon, where the stars touch the sky.
Stand the long forgotten remains of a time gone by.
Heaven’s Cove was a wondrous site, once a beautiful place.
Now an empty shell, like a memory that time erased.

As the pivotal moment draws closer, every shadow and whisper ignite.
Music will rise like a phoenix from the ashes on this night! 

04. Dream Theater - Begin Again (Lyrics):

Int. Emperor's Palace - Day.

I gave up hope, was dead inside.
Stayed lost within a world I chose to hide.
Then I found my faith in him.
And now I can begin again.

I once believed our fate was sealed.
But now at last, the truth has been revealed.
In an instant, life could change.
And now and then begin again.

I know that I am meant for something more,
that life beyond these walls has greater things in store.
When I heard his voice, I realized I’d never be the same.
Instantly I knew my life had changed.

I dream of peace above all else,
to share a world where we could be ourselves.
We must learn to rise above the past,
before we can at last begin again. 

05. Dream Theater - The Path That Divides (Lyrics):

Ext. Heaven's Cove Amphitheater – Night.

The evening stars shine brightly over Heaven’s Cove.
As night descends in silence, the fated scene unfolds.
Consumed with trepidation, Arhys hears his brother’s voice.

Gabriel's Voice:
As you’re facing the path that divides,
I will always be here by your side.

I feel my pulse begin to race,
beads of sweat drip down my face.
I have made a grave mistake.
What have I done?
My blood for my son?

It’s not too late, I won’t betray him.

I knew the day had come and you could be tempted,
to give up the chosen one and finally end this.
Do anything for your son, a terminal weakness.
Now you’re as good as done.

I didn’t have a choice and I was defenseless.
I didn’t believe his voice and fighting was senseless.
But now I can see the truth, I’ve come to my senses.
I shouldn’t have trusted you.

Arhys was never aware, his son had followed them there.
Confused and deathly afraid, X(ander) watched his hero be brave.

On the path that divides, you were there by my side.
There will be no betrayal tonight.
I’ve found courage and strength in the words you once sang.
Tore the truth from the lies, on the path that divides.

You dare defy your prince?
Well you just threw your life away,
along with Xander’s dreams.
You chose the wrong man to betray!

Two hungry warriors clash in the shadows of the night.
But that’s the cost with every fight.
And Arhys’ fight for hope cost him his very life. 

06. Dream Theater - Machine Chatter (Instrumental)

07. Dream Theater -  The Walking Shadow (Lyrics):

Ext. Heaven's Cove Amphitheater – Night.

What have you done, you murderer?
My father is dead, your day will come!

Don’t hold your breath,
the night’s still young.
Confront your death,
like father, like son.

Who’s this I see?
Approaching me, the chosen one!

Drawing closer, pace by pace.
The walking shadow hides its face.
Never aware of a looming attack,
like stepping right into a trap.

As his weapon finds its victim.
Mortified, he’s shocked to find, the shadow is Faythe! 

08. Dream Theater - My Last Farewell (Lyrics):

Ext. Heaven's Cove Amphitheater – Night.

Angels above, have you deceived my eyes?
Be still, my love, I won’t leave your side.
All my life I have walked alone.
Now I found my home in you, only I’m too late.

Have I wandered into someone’s nightmare?
This is more than any heart can bear.

You stole my brother’s life!
How many more have to die,
before you will open your eyes?

Don’t leave me now, hold on for one more breath.
Stay strong somehow, this can’t be the end!
All your life you have walked alone.
Now I am your home, so take my hand and don’t let go.

Crushing pain and crippling grief, nothing like I’ve ever felt.
God above and souls beneath, hear my last farewell!

09. Dream Theater - Losing Faythe (Lyrics):

Ext. Heaven's Cove Amphitheater – Night.

My foolish pride, my selfish heart.
Lost in the dark, blinded by my arrogance.
And now you beg for one last breath,
and I'm the one to blame.

There's a reason, now I see.
The reason you have chosen,
to find the light inside of me.
If only I believed.

Here I am, don't be afraid.
I will never let you slip away.
Look my way, you must be brave.
Find the strength to live for one more day.

I will keep from losing Faythe.
I will ask for grace and hope we find a way.

Like a candles dying flame,
with forgiving eyes she starts to drift away.

Gabriel, my son!
I see the tide is turning.
Can the chosen one keep her fire burning?
I would shed my life, just for one last moment.

Use your gift, awake!
May life begin again!
May life begin again!

10. Dream Theater - Whispers on the Wind (Lyrics):

Ext. Heaven's Cove Amphitheater – Night.

If I still had something left,
I'd surely use my gift to give her one more breath,
to see her smile again.

And yet my gift is gone, along with all her dreams.
It vanished with a scream.
My fragile voice has all but disappeared.

I've nothing left to give.
The words I wished I'd said,
just whispers on the wind.
And now all hope is dead. 

11. Dream Theater - Hymn of a Thousand Voices (Lyrics):

Ext. Heaven's Cove Amphitheater – Night.

Out of the shadows, one by one they came,
To shed their light upon his moment of doubt and pain.
A thousand voices ring out through the night.
A symphony of mercy for their savior, too tired to fight.

And as the chorus grew, a thousand hearts beat true.
Then like a glowing beacon in the dark, hope came shining through.

Shining through.
Shining through.

Amazingly, the savior found his voice and all together they rejoiced.

Gabriel & Townspeople:
Glorious sound guide her tonight,
out of the darkness, into the light.
Merciful song, set her soul free.
Unbind the chains of endless sleep.

Choirs on high, grant her new life.
Make me a vessel of thy boundless grace.
Music has shown her the way.
She lives today! 

12. Dream Theater - Our New World (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill - Day.

Like your father once said, life is not what you’re given.
It is how you decide to live on the path you have chosen.

So together we’ll build a new world, a better world.
We’ll build a new world, our new world.

I know you’re scared and alone, but we will face this together.
Through the innocence in your eyes they will live on forever.

In their memory we’ll build a new world, a better world.
We’ll build a new world, our new world.

Gabriel, Faythe & Xander:
We’ll build a new world, a better world.
We’ll build a new world, our new world.
Yeah, together!

We’ll build a new world, a wondrous world.
We’ll build a new world, a bold new world.

13. Dream Theater -  Power Down (Instrumental):

14. Dream Theater -  Astonishing (Lyrics):

Ext. Ravenskill - Day.

Arhys’ Spirit:
Brother, can you hear me?
His life is in your hands!

He is just a child and still too young to understand.
Show him love and courage, that freedom knows no bounds.
Tell him he could never let me down.

Father, I will make you proud.
Rest in peace.

I’ve always had the answer.
All this time I held the key.
And now that I see the reason to believe,
I can be the man who I am meant to be.

Because of you I live again.
Now I can be a voice for change,
and help to build a world that’s fair and true.
So they can live the life they never knew.

On the road to revolution, there are lessons to be learned.
All the things you thought that mattered are lost at every turn.
When the light of my existence was slipping through my hands,
pride and ignorance receded to reveal a humbled man.

My prince, my son.
You got lost along the way.
In light of this new burden that you face,
you are forgiven on this day!

People, can you hear us?
Peace has been restored!

The silence has been broken, music reigns forevermore!
We sing a song of freedom, together we are bound.
People, we shall never hold you down!

We will build a world on common ground,
and we’ll live once more, eternally in harmony.
Our lives will be astonishing again. 

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