Winterhymn - Blood & Shadow (Album Lyrics)

Winterhymn - Blood & Shadow (Album Lyrics), Winterhymn - Blood of the Moon Lyrics, Winterhymn - Dream of Might Lyrics, Winterhymn - Blood Burner Lyrics, Winterhymn - Legacy in Flames Lyrics, Winterhymn - The Summoning Lyrics,  Winterhymn - Seafarer Lyrics, Winterhymn - Silenced by the Northern Winds Lyrics, Winterhymn - In Shadow We Ride Lyrics, Winterhymn - Huntsman Lyrics, Winterhymn - The Wolf's Head Lyrics, Winterhymn - Into the Depths Lyrics, Winterhymn - The Chosen End Lyrics

Winterhymn - Blood & Shadow (Album Lyrics)

 Winterhymn - Blood of the Moon Lyrics

Riding through the Caladim
Into the final night
Our cold swords sing on the wind
As we mount the sacred heights
Through ages untold
With names unsung
We’ve swam the tides of darkness
With darkness in our lungs

We are the blood of the moon
And we gush forth beneath the endless nightsky
Severing the backbones of foes
Older than death

We’ll split our lungs
With hymns of old
And set ablaze
The winter cold

Over leagues of ice
To the spine of Azagot
We slay the fell defilers
Dripping with rot
Through flesh and bone
With faces grim
Our fury burns eternal
It fuels the Winterhymn

Through woods of beasts, we cut our way
Spilling blood where others pray
They pray for the daylight, but the daylight never comes
Our hearts beat with ancient drums

We are the blades in the night
And the cold breath on the neck of fate
Charging through icewinds and mists
To penetrate the skies

We’ll split our lungs
With hymns of old
And set ablaze
The winter cold

Winterhymn - Dream of Might Lyrics

The end we glimpsed
Beyond the veil
Pulls our feet
Like a roaring gale
And sings our names throughout the woodlands we hold dear
In life and death
Our place is here

O gods of silver light
In death dream of might
Flesh heeds the call
Sounded by steel
All shall fall
But none are doomed to kneel

And should the sun set on our kind
Then this hour will shine throughout the dark forevermore
The abyss will shudder as we pass its gates
And whisper of the day we made our stand

Should my fathers mourn
The fruit of their deeds
My children’s children grow
To be ghosts of a dream
Should these hills hear our last breath, let it be this cry
By you I’ve lived
For you I’ll die

O gods of silver light
In death dream of might
Flesh heeds the call
Sounded by steel
All shall fall
But none are doomed to kneel

Winterhymn - Blood Burner Lyrics

Deathspells chanted by the deep gods old
You’ll see their fires fed
Wraiths smite your ruin upon the ancient icefields cold
Forever slain but never dead

The smoke drawn from your smoldering husk reaches the darkest heights
Your blackened flesh takes to the wind and vanishes in starless

Night take you all
Blood Burner
Chaos Calls
Blood Burner

Immortal souls devoured by forgotten fears
With fell lore of the grave
Enslaved to astral vengeance for a thousand years
They take the weak and the brave

Night take you all
Blood Burner
Chaos Calls
Blood Burner

Winterhymn - Legacy in Flames Lyrics

Tail between your legs and arrows in your back can you hear
Your mewling men as their skulls are cracked
Smell your kinfolk cooking high atop our walls and know their
Heads adorn our moonlit halls tonight

Our gods look down in wrath upon your traitor’s sin
Their lupine gifts make our change begin

We hunt our prey
With our last breath
By the sanguine moon
Through realms of death
So curse our name
You’ll be slaughtered all the same
Your legacy in flames

Through the trees we fly over roots and remains, led by the
Crimson trails from your gushing veins
Try to flee, for mercy cry to deafened ears beyond the skies
We’ve yearned so long to feel you bleed and die

Your feeble siege was doomed the day you raised your swords
We are your ruin, your overlords

We hunt our prey
With our last breath
By the sanguine moon
Through realms of death
So curse our name
You’ll be slaughtered all the same
Your legacy in flames

Winterhymn - The Summoning Lyrics

Lower helms to hide your fear
And wave your torches bright
For even moonlight dreads to look
Upon our rites

Through the trees, profane effigies
Stand tall, bathed in the blood of
your sons and daughters

The summoning is close at hand
You’ll hear us howling in the night
With nightmares birthed from hallowed lands
We’ll have you bastards bled by morning light

As death circles you, usurper, know this: From the putrid carcasses of your hopes, we feed. And die assured; at long last your eyes will look upon your home again. We will carry them there on roads paved with your dead.

We’ll ink the ending of your tale
In death and fire
As you’re flayed amidst the laughter
Of those we sired

The summoning is close at hand
You’ll hear us howling in the night
With nightmares birthed from hallowed land
We’ll have you bastards bled by morning light

Winterhymn - Seafarer Lyrics

To where did you depart?
Your dark sails filled with a wind as cold as the vengeance in your heart
Fear not the gods of the deep
Or the thunder that shakes the skies
Shout to them all “I know my fate,
This is not where I will die”

Through blackest night you journey on
In bloodied robes of black and blue
Search as you may for death
It will find you

‘Neath deadened moon
On glassy oceans deep
When gods and stars
Enter final sleep

To where did you depart?
Your dark sails filled with a wind as cold as the vengeance in your heart
Fear not the gods of the deep
Or the thunder that shakes the skies
Shout to them all “I know my fate
This is not where I will die”

Winterhymn - Silenced by the Northern Winds Lyrics

The woods of ancient Kjellangor call for the spilling of blood
The fires of my kinsmen glow from the mountains
Your seed will find no purchase here, your bravery turn to rot
All of your treacherous words, all for naught

We stalk the mists
Blades in our hands
We are her brood
She is our land

These roots are strong, with unknown ends
Our hearts won’t falter, our knees won’t bend
To your cursed shores we will send
Your usurper tongues, Silenced by the Northern winds

A flame you cannot hope to quench roars beneath the ice
On misty heights sits a hatred ever watchful
As surely as if they had sunk, your warships have found death
It draws closer with each step, with each breath

We are the fury
Teeth of the void
Law of the lawless
Etched in bone
Unwithered, unweathered
We loom eternal
Sons of the birthless
Cold as stone

We’ll fall upon you with the night as you idle in your beds
We’ll take your women from your sides, and then we’ll take your heads
Through the roar of flames and cries of babes hear the glory of Drathna sung
As your pious flesh is ripped and torn, from ancient branches hung

These roots are strong , with unknown ends
Our hearts won’t falter, our knees won’t bend
To your cursed shores we will send
Your usurper tongues, Silenced by the Northern winds

Winterhymn - In Shadow We Ride Lyrics

Hooves like hammers fall
Against the steely ice
Scattering crimson snow
Through sepulchral winter, we thunder
With spirits unbridled by mortal woe

In shadow we ride
Reaping glory with each stride
Through savage nightfall
We ride as one, we ride for all

To the blind who wait in silence
Having spent every breath cursing the skies
Who would not dare to dream
For fear of waking
For you, we rise

In shadow we ride
Reaping glory with each stride
Through savage nightfall
We ride as one, we ride for all

And as the setting sun kissed our face and passed in silence, we knew
That should it ever rise again, we would not, for one moment, scorn its light

As doom towers against the raven sky
We will not hide our face
Night begat us to this hour
And its design we will embrace

In shadow we ride
Reaping glory with each stride
Through savage nightfall
We ride as one, we ride for all

Winterhymn - Huntsman Lyrics

The bitter taste of righteous blood stains the oaken lips
Spurs the vernal bones
Of primal guardians in service of the savage one
The gruesome hunt-horn drones

Hail! Huntsman!
The forest rides tonight!
Hail! Huntsman!
Rid us of this blight!

Over archaic laughs of sport
The captives plea and wail
Some are dragged underground
To be devoured at the horrid feasts of nameless gods
To be scraps for Drathna’s hounds

Hail! Huntsman!
The forest rides tonight!
Hail! Huntsman!
Rid us of this blight!

And lo! Through the brush there came a sight terrible to behold - the stag god, accompanied by his spidery host. He who is brother to the mountains, warden of the untamed, and butcher of the fearful.

They marched across the Iron Jaw with sword and helm
Seeking fabled woodland doorways to the twilight realms
The proudest of their captains are now hunted like boars
Their banners lie in gory pools upon the forest floor

Winterhymn - The Wolf's Head Lyrics

Awakened by the creaking trees and spores glistening in the moonlight

I come for thee
Cosmic behemoth
Compass tuned to the earth and stars

By wretched fate
Stalwart goliath
Our mortal coils now intertwined

A flash of the blade
From limb to heart I cast my aim
Down seven halls
Infinite ways

Accompanied by the sneaking dawn and wisps in the wake of the twilight

Onward I trek
Fifteen have fallen
My waning soul I pin on you

From the storms of hell
I will bring her back
Plucked from the jaws of Leviathan

A flash of the blade
From limb to heart I cast my aim
Down seven halls
Infinite ways
Consciousness fades
From lung to soul my hand is stayed
Through hardened veins
Unhallowed fane

Winterhymn - Into the Depths Lyrics

The mist lies heavy on the heaving bosom of the sea
And through the murky depths, her monstrous children stare at me
So we strike our oars through the yawning abyss, unable to tell
What fate awaits us on the isle ahead
What hope can be found in the mouth of hell

We reach Su’Lychh
Ocean tomb of heroes dead
Seeking their aid
May they rise from stony beds

We’re beset by ghastly warriors in the halls of rot
Sent to test our mettle, in this place steel matters not
But we breach the inner sanctum, where on an oaken throne
Sits the paragon of an ancient line
Clutching his sword with hands of bone

“The dead take no orders from men who yet breathe.
How dear is your conquest?” the wight croaks to me
With sword raised, alone
I charge the old throne
With a smile on my face I rain steel upon bone

We battle long and gloriously, ‘til by my own accord
I take the knee in honor and my neck meets his sword
And lo, throughout that sunken hall, as I meet my end
Appears a grim and rotten host
Vast and eager to defend

The dead take no orders from men who yet breathe
“Your spirit proves strong, in death you shall lead
The legions of bone
No longer alone
Arise from the depths and reclaim your throne”

Winterhymn - The Chosen End Lyrics

A sudden attack in the night
A hundred to one their spears close in like fangs
They call from the storm to submit, but there’s blood on the ice and there’s ice in our veins

What would you take to your grave?
Ancient shackles, or splintered bone?
The time to stand is flying
Your chance to live is dying

We paint the hills with their guts
Axes rob their lungs of their last breath
And our thoughts are wiped clean by the blood and the bone and the stenches of death

And when we are overrun
We spit the blood from our mouths in their eyes
And we don’t take for granted the feeling of freedom as each of us dies

What would you take to your grave?
Ancient shackles, or splintered bone?
The time to stand is flying
Your chance to live is dying

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