Reviews: The Hypothesis - Origin

Reviews: The Hypothesis - Origin

Reviews: The Hypothesis - Origin

The Hypothesis is a modern melodic death metal-act formed during deadly cold winter 2009 in Kouvola, Finland. Nowadays Helsinki-based band swears in the name of heaviness, groove & catchy melodies, still not forgetting the technically played crunchy riffs. The Hypothesis main man Juuso Turkki came up with the band’s name wanting to create an individual state of imagination.

In the year 2009 The Hypothesis recorded an EP carrying the name “Nightshade”. In January 2011 “Nightshade”-EP was followed by 2 singles “Weak Story” and “Shades To Escape”. The Hypothesis had their first line-up changes when a drummer called Rolf Pilve (from Stratovarius) joined the band. With Rolf The Hypothesis recorded their third single, Scarface.

Reviews: The Hypothesis - Origin

Among succesful releases The Hypothesis has conquered many famous festival-stages in Finland such as Nummirock and Qstock. The band qualified as a winner from Finland’s Wacken Metal Battle qualifiers in Qstock-festival. The Hypothesis has also shared stages with melodic death & doom giants like Swallow The Sun, Scar Symmetry, Wolfheart & Before The Dawn.

In the fall 2012 The Hypothesis started fresh with entirelly new line-up and locked themselves in the middle of a dark forest of Viitasaari to record their debut-album, "Origin”. After almost four-year-silence The Hypothesis recruited the last new members from Finnish metal scene whom have contributed in bands like Naildown, Paradise Lost, Dimebad Beyond Forever, Dead Shape Figure, Codeon etc. 

1st track, Shades to Escape. Catchy Synthesizer sound, Atmospheric, Noisy Cymbal, Mixed Vocals (Harsh and Clean), Guitar Solo from 03:11 until 03:31, and from 03:45 until 04:11. 2nd track, Leak. Guitar Riff like In Flames, Noisy Cymbal, Catchy Synth, Guitar Solo from 02:11 until 02:41, and Atmospheric. 3rd track, End of Your Days. Mid-tempo, Catchy Guitar Lick, Noisy Cymbal, Catchy Synth from 02:34 until 03:28, and some Electronic element.

4th track, Scarface. More fast than previous tracks with some electronic element and Guitar Solo from 02:57 until 03:33. 5th track, Exit. More fast than previous tracks, more Blasting and more Complex. Guitar Solo from 02:08 until 03:00. 6th track, Atonement. Mixed Vocals (Harsh and Clean Vocals), Guitar Solo from 01:26 until 01:59, Atmospheric, and Electronic.

7th track, Eye For an Eye. Mid-tempo, Noisy Cymbal, Electronic, Progressive Guitar lick and Guitar Solo. Perfect song. 8th track, Weak Story. Mixed Vocals (Harsh and Clean Vocals), Guitar Solo from 01:49 until 02:13, Disquised Percussion sound, and Electronic. 9th track, Second Chance. Just Instrumental Progressive Metal song with Electronic element.

Conclusion: Good Underground Melodeath Album. Melodeath + Progressive + Electronic = Origin from The Hypothesis.
Buy Now: Here.
Score: 95%

The Hypothesis:

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