Imperium - Titanomachy (Album Lyrics)

Imperium - Titanomachy (Album Lyrics), Imperium - Othrys, Imperium - Castrate the Father of the Sky Lyrics, Imperium - Beast from Beneath Lyrics, Imperium - Descend the Abysmal Void Lyrics, Imperium - Ingurgitate the Traitor Lyrics, Imperium - Into Abode of the Dead , Imperium - The Unseen One Lyrics, Imperium - Skies That Bear Thunder, Imperium - Phlegathon Rising Lyrics, Imperium - Minos Lyrics, Imperium - Neither like Gods nor Men Lyrics, Imperium - Titanomachy Lyrics

Imperium - Titanomachy (Album Lyrics)

Imperium - Othrys

Imperium - Castrate the Father of the Sky Lyrics

The monarch, of the universe
Father Sky almighty
divinity, humility gone
tyrannical wretch
Into the depths of Tartarus
he casts the hundred-handed Hecatonchires
and the Cyclops down

The children of Gaia
their eyes were denied the light
The Mother of the Earth and sea
did not weep for them
punishment divineawaits Uranus
For a deed preposterous
retaliation would unfold
at the hands, of his own blood
mighty Kronos!

His brethren, would not obey
Gaia's command
Titanic lord
took the harpe and sickle in hand

The titans clash, thunder claps tear the ground
Immortal combat, heard the world around
The giants battle, unending and inglorious
the skyline swirls in storms of pain
with blade in hand, descendant of divinity committing patricide,
father of all deities falls down

Castrate the father of the sky
Castrate the father of the SKY!

Defeated but unbowed, the fallen one cries
out but Kronos has no mercy, his father is not worthy
he'll take his rightful place, hence forth the Golden Age
the blade removes all trace, emasculate the traitor

The titans torment, excruciation sublime Kronos!

Cast Uranus' stones into the sea
his blood will birth more children Gigantes
Castrate the father of the sky

Imperium - Beast from Beneath Lyrics

 In a swamp so pungent,
toxicity's grip can choke the life from a mortal's chest
below the waves, a hundred leagues
low many vicious heads sit atop, many twisted necks

Beware - the Beast from Beneath
fear what you cannot kill
the Beast from Beneath

It's span is endless
it's scale cannot be fathomed
the hydra's heads are countless
it's domination boundless
master of the deep
seething infinite rage
Abomination perfect
born for just one purpose
to test, Heracles might
to seal his demise

Malicious serpent

Beware - the Beast from Beneath
fear what you cannot kill
the Beast from Beneath
Heracles fought the serpent with valour
yet it's fate he could not command
every head his blade severed fast
two more sprouted forth
in sickening metamorphic birth

The battle rages on
the hydra's acid blood, burns the hero's flesh
as another head, falls beneath the waves
Despair sets in, as the beast
raises two more set's of teeth
scathing eyes
lashing tongues
immortal wretch

The sky is blacked out, with a forest of heads
raising to the heaven's and fathoms below
Heracles will, is stronger than all
but how can one man face, an immortal foe

The Beast from Beneath

Imperium - Descend the Abysmal Void Lyrics

 Black beyond pitch, a night
starless beyond
not an absence of light, but
absolute dark
Below the roots of the Earth
and the unharvested sea

Aeonic prison to hold the ancient ones
crimes worse than any, sins twisted and many
Deep in the dark of the underworld it lies
yet deeper still it hides, beyond the gates below

Descend - Abysmal Void
Titans, men and Gods meet their fate Atone in agony
Descend - Abysmal Void
Eternal punishment chosen by the king of the dead
Descend - Abysmal Void
Escape is impossible surrender your will
Descend - Abysmal Void
Weep prisoner, in abyss, Tartarus and plummet below
Descend into Abysmal Void NOW

An anvil takes, nine days
to fall from heaven
to the Earth below
nine days more, the anvil will take
to reach the realm of Tartarus

A gloom unfathomable, miserable
driving men mad
no heat of the sun to warm their backs
Deep in the void, paranoid
deprive their senses
feel only PAIN and FEAR
You will comply, you cannot die again
all that remains is a lifetime in chains

Aeonic prison to hold the ancient ones
Deep in the dark of the underworld it lies
as far beneath Hades
as Heaven is above the Earth

Descend - Abysmal Void
Titans, men and Gods meet their fate Atone in agony
Descend - Abysmal Void
Eternal punishment chosen by the king of the dead
Descend - Abysmal Void
Escape is impossible surrender your will
Descend - Abysmal Void
Weep prisoner, in abyss, Tartarus and plummet below

Imperium - Ingurgitate the Traitor Lyrics

  Fire thief - liberate - humankind
Deceiving - of the Gods - is not wise

Prometheus, was a fool
with noble intentions
to provide, for all his kind
he stole the fire of Olympus

And mighty Zeus was filled with white rage
Retaliation would be extreme
Prometheus wished only to help mankind
his blind ambition the ultimate sacrifice!

Chained to a rock, on a desolate mountain top
he waited proudly for his fate
But when it came, horror filled his tired gaze
A giant eagle flew his way

Prometheus was a feast
a banquet for the beast
regret and misery
he stole the fire of Olympus

And mighty Zeus was filled with white rage
Retaliation would be extreme
Prometheus wished only to help mankind
his blind ambition the ultimate sacrifice!

The beak of the beast
tore into his flesh for hours
rooting through his guts and
sparing him no agony
The eagle hacked, through his body
devouring his liver
leaving him bloodied and bowed

And mighty Zeus was filled with white rage
Retaliation would be extreme
Prometheus wished only to help mankind
his blind ambition the ultimate sacrifice!

But the worst had yet to come
Torn in two but still, left breathing
Come nightfall
his wounds would restore, his organs reformed
And as morning came
the sound of wings, and a shadows embrace
the Eagle would return
and for death, Prometheus would yearn

Imperium - Into Abode of the Dead

Imperium - The Unseen One Lyrics

  Unseen One!
Destroyer, Titans fell beneath his wrath
ruler of the Cosmos
King of the Underworld
Morbid tyrant of the souls of the dead
he controls the fates of those who pass
from the realms of the living

None challenge The Unseen One
harvester of men
None shall speak aloud his name
All shall fear God of the Dead
punisher of souls
All eyes shall avert his gaze

Mortal men!
Sacrifice, Chthonic ritual's of death
Essence of life
seeps to the pit

The one who shall not be named
enriches himself, with our sighs and our tears

Vehemence he evokes, repentance spews futility

All shall fear God of the Dead
punisher of souls
All eyes shall avert his gaze
None challenge The Unseen One
harvester of men
None shall speak aloud his name
All fear! God of the Dead

With coin in mouth
you plummet below
spiralling eternally
the Lord of Hell, may be just and fair
but in equal measure is malicious and cruel
It is said his chariot, drawn by four black horses
crushes men's skull's beneath its wheels
And Cerberus, his three headed hound
hungers for the flesh of men
Once in his realm, eternity begins again

Imperium - Skies That Bear Thunder     


Imperium - Phlegathon Rising Lyrics

 Plunged into agony
an uncompromising pain
disgust and torment
drown in the flames, of your sins so many
and constant
hideous worm
suffer your fate

Boiling blood
the flesh melts off your bones
forever suffering this death
and life
tangled in a twisted cycle
immortality, death gives no release

The hands of time pass slowly
minutes feel like decades
scorching, the heat keeps rising, RISING
an afterlife, spent drowning in pain

Boiling blood
the flesh melts off your bones
forever suffering this death
and life
tangled in a twisted cycle
immortality, death gives no release

Phlegethon rising!
Thrash against the current of fire
smoke and blood, fill your lungs
feel the heat of the Phlegethon rising!
Your body is crushed under the tides of blood
forced to reflect, in agony

Boiling blood
the flesh melts off your bones
forever suffering this death
and life
tangled in a twisted cycle
immortality, death gives no release

The hands of time pass slowly
minutes feel like decades
scorching, the heat keeps rising, RISING
an afterlife, spent drowning in pain

A cacophony of screams, the hymns of lamentation
in a cavern, so desolate, so full of despair
forgiveness will not come for you, you have no redemption
sentenced to burn, in the lake of fire sanguine

The stench of gore, stings your nostrils
choking on dry ash and hot stinking blood
the ferryman, will not return
you will die alone

Phlegethon everflow
rising, rising!
Phlegethon will consume
rising, rising!

Imperium - Minos Lyrics

 Prayers to the Earth Shaker are heard
A great white bull, rushes out of the waves
Is charged to sacrifice
but deception and redemption
are a coin of two sides

Pasiphae, paid the price
raped by the bull and cast aside
Mutant seed germinating
she gives birth to a demon child!
Minotaur, grotesque and strong
with the head of a bull, and the body of a man

Any who faced him, would be gored and torn in two
A prison of terrible construct, would be built

Daedalus , the architect
forced to build the Labyrinth
a maze of artistic foresight
a complicated chamber
that with it's tangled windings
perplexed the outward way

But none can know this dark secret
Daedalus is cast, into his own maze
released the Minotaur
but Icarus's wings
spare Daedalus' soul
Desperation of the king
cost him his life King Minos died
But his descent into the underworld
lead not to misery
Minos, was granted an auspicious role
amongst Hades' trusted men

passer of fate
adjudicator of hell
passer of fate
adjudicator of hell

King Minos proved his worth to the Gods
Freed from the shackles, of mortality
Infinite power, at his fingertips
Infinite souls, to condemn

passer of fate
adjudicator of hell
passer of fate

Imperium - Neither like Gods nor Men Lyrics

  Son of Tartarus
Born of hate from The Earth
Grotesque and vile

And on his shoulders sat a hundred heads
Terrible and lawless
A beast of fire, nefarious in voice

Demon of storm - vengeful and strong
father of monsters - the wretched spawn
terrible forces - forged by his seed
his visage only matched - in his own breed

And with the voice of hell
deafening whispers swell
emitting fire
and every kind of noise
Neither like Gods nor Men
His will shall not be bent
dreadful offspring utter
Hail, Father!

Venom courses through his hundred serpent heads
spewing smoke and poison
Invincible, his strength cannot be equalled

His hands stretch, from the East to the West
whilst his head touches the stars magnitude unthinkable
and born of the dark
He is the dreadnought of destruction
the thorn of the World
creator of misery

And with the voice of hell
deafening whispers swell
emitting fire
and every kind of noise
Neither like Gods nor Men
His will shall not be bent
dreadful offspring utter
Hail, Father!

Demon of storm - vengeful and strong
father of monsters - the wretched spawn
terrible forces - forged by his seed
his visage only matched - in his own breed

Imperium - Titanomachy Lyrics

Reap the seeds of what you sow

Kronos rejoiced, at his Father's demise
overthrown and usurped
it was now his time
But much, like his Father before
him paranoia controlling
his fear, twisted his rule

Rhea could, not believe the King
that Kronos chose to be
Much like Uranus, a terrible reign
had he chosen to lead

Taking his children, as new born babes
fresh from Rhea's womb
Kronos would consume
And much, like his Father before him
fate held him no fortune
the cycle would repeat

And with a simple trick Rhea
spared the life of the youngest child
Zeus, his last born son
But Kronos had re-imprisoned
his sibling down in Tartarus
the one eyed Cyclopes
and the Hecatonchires

Raised, by Amalthea
thought dead by his father
Zeus, pledged to turn the tides
strip power of the usurper
Poison, in Kronos' cup
brings him to his knees
regurgitating children whole
Zeus' siblings

Opening the gates
of Tartarus
Free the giants and fight!

A ten year war, of titans and gods
The Titonamachy
the Earth would shake
and the cosmos tremble
The Titanomachy
The Titanomachy
the Earth would shake
The Titanomachy
and the cosmos tremble
The Titanomachy

A ten year war, of titans and gods
The Titonamachy
the Earth would nearly shatter
and the cosmos nearly tear apart

The war waged on and on
years turning to dust
like the mountains
as they were crushed
Zeus' lightning bolts
rain burning pain
upon Kronos and his barbaric ways
Prometheus and Themis
join Olympians relentless
assault upon Mount Othrys
A decade of, mass devastation
The heavens cried

The heavens bled!

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