Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016

Black metal is an extreme subgenre and subculture of heavy metal music. Common traits include fast tempos, shrieking (sometimes growling or both) vocal style, heavily distorted guitars played with tremolo picking, raw (lo-fi) recording, unconventional song structures, and an emphasis on atmosphere, though many other characteristics and techniques may be employed. Artists often appear in corpse paint and adopt pseudonyms.

During the 1980s, several thrash and death metal bands formed a prototype for black metal. This so-called first wave included bands such as Venom, Bathory, Mercyful Fate, Hellhammer and Celtic Frost. A second wave arose in the early 1990s, spearheaded by Norwegian bands such as Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, Gorgoroth, Immortal and Emperor. The early Norwegian black metal scene developed the style of their forebears into a distinct genre. Norwegian-inspired black metal scenes emerged throughout Europe and North America, although some other scenes developed their own styles independently. Some prominent Swedish bands spawned during this second wave. Bands such as Marduk, Nifelheim and Dark Funeral are notable examples.

Initially a synonym for "Satanic metal," black metal is often met with hostility from mainstream culture, due to the actions and ideologies associated with it. Many artists express extreme anti-Christian and misanthropic views, advocating various forms of Satanism or ethnic paganism. In the 1990s, members of the scene were responsible for a spate of church burnings and murders. There is also a small neo-Nazi movement within black metal, although it has been shunned by many prominent artists. Generally, black metal strives to be inaccessible to the mainstream and those who are not committed.

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Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Aeonic Dissonances Beyond Light's Consumption from Concatenatus

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
- Type: EP. Released Independently on April 5th, 2016. Cover art by Daniel "Nox Fragor Art" Hermosilla. Logo by Diego Donoso Suazola. Layout by Claudio Abarca Escobar.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: An Oath to the Void from Astral Path

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: Full Length Album. Released Independently on April 15th, 2016. Artwork by Andrew Lachance C.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Asleep in the Arms of Suicide - Bog of the Infidel

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 8th, 2016 via Eternal Death.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Blood for Wotan from Arktogäa

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: Demo. Released on April 20th, 2016 via Wotan Front.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Cold Redrafted from Negative Voice

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 4th, 2016 via Hypnotic Dirge Records.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Demon Summoning from Eternal Alchemist

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 30th, 2016 via Golden Age of Blasphemy Production.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Ephemeral - Sovereign

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: EP. Released Independently on April 5th, 2016.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Fall of the Seventh Golden Star from Cretura

 - Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 8th, 2016 via WormHoleDeath Records

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Imago Dei from Imperium Infernalis

 - Type: Full Length Album. Released Independently on April 9th, 2016. Artwork by VisionBlack

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: In Perpetual Silence from Funetus

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: Demo. Released Independently on April 26th, 2016. Cover art by Daniel Hermosilla.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Massive Structural Collapse from Mountain Grave

 - Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 29th, 2016 via Horror Pain Gore Death Productions. Artwork by Chris Wilhelm. Album Layout by Aliyah David.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Nemesis from Bloodred

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: Full Length Album. Released Independently on April 8th, 2016. Artwork by Stefan Heilemann.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Omerta from Misanthropia

 - Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 25th, 2016 via Snakebite Records. Artwork and Layout by Jan Yrlund.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Rudra Bhakti - Drought

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: EP. Released on April 15th, 2016 via AvantGarde Music.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Sacro-Kvltus Dementis - The UnHuman Thorn

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
- Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 27th, 2016 via Symbol of Domination Prod (Sub Label of Satanath Records) and Base Records.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Storming Voices of Inner Devotion - Svoid

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 18th, 2016 via Sun & Mon Records. Artwork by Péter Sallai.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: The Canticle of Shadows from Darkend

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
 - Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 25th, 2016 via Non Serviam Records. Artwork by Animae.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: The Hammer Doctrine from Ragehammer

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016 - Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 8th, 2016 via Pagan Records. Artwork by Robert A. von Ritter. Layout by Sonneillon.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: The Oath of an Iron Ritual from Desaster

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
- Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 8th, 2016 via Metal Blade Records. Artwork (Desaster cross) by Odin, Artwork by Axel Hermann, Layout  by "Panzer-Ober-Layoutnant" Smity.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: The Plight of Wanderers from Uhtcearu

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
- Type: Full Length album. Released Independently on April 17th, 2016. Artwork and Logo by Nate Burns.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: The Void of Death from Grand Celestial Nightmare

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
- Type: Full Length Album. Released Independently on April 26th, 2016.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Turan from Darkestrah

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
- Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 29th, 2016 via Osmose Production. Artwork by Essam Bouder.

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016: Zwietracht from Valkynaz

Best Black Metal Cover in April 2016
- Type: Full Length Album. Released on April 5th, 2016 via Blackened Death Records.

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