Vetten Äpärät - Syntyi Talven Kyynelistä (Album Lyrics)

Vetten Äpärät - Syntyi Talven Kyynelistä (Album Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - Ancients' Call (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät – Exile (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - Brothers Of Hate (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - Winterheart's Silence (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - Winter Darkness (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - Grief Of Woods (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - Sydäntalven Viha (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät – Herätys (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - Swords' Dance (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - Wind Of Exhaustion (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - Ice Made New Kingdom (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät - I Heard Them (Lyrics), Vetten Äpärät – Vala (Lyrics)

Vetten Äpärät - Syntyi Talven Kyynelistä (Album Lyrics)

Vetten Äpärät - Ancients' Call (Lyrics)

My father once told me: “There will be a journey. I am too old already but you my son, you must go. Not for us. Nor for glory. Not even for the lord we serve as serfs we are. But for them. I hear them. They’re calling us. The ancients’ call...”


Isäni kerran puhui minulle: ”Lähdet matkalle. Minä olen jo liian vanha, mutta sinä, poikani, sinun on mentävä. Ei meidän vuoksemme, saati vuoksi kunnian. Ei edes vuoksi herran, jota palvelemme, kuten maaorjan kuuluu. Lähdet Heitä varten. Minä kuulen Heidät. He kutsuvat meitä. Vanhojen kutsu...”

Vetten Äpärät – Exile (Lyrics)

Betrayal. Exiled the oldest son. The younger an emissary of Jealous. Madness. Hate. A shattering mind. Broken the wings of a beloved one. A bleeding wound. Wolves behind your back.


Petos. Karkoitettu poika vanhin. Nuorempi Kateuden lähettiläs. Hulluus. Viha. Murtuva mieli. Rakkaan siivet katkottu. Vuotava haava. Sudet selän takana.



[Verse 1]

Hey, fool! I’m sick of you!
Don’t fool around under my rule
My men just told me you killed my wolf
Non excuse is good for you
My daughter has a crush on you
I don’t wanna see her coming to you
So leave this place filthy worthless pig
Unless you are ready to DIE!

You are ... man in exile 2x


Fear of the pain
Reign my days
The nights are so cold
When I’m alone

Over the hills, under the moon
I ran away from their wolves
The howling wind drives me from my roots
Over the hills, under the moon
I ran away from their wolves
They can smell me for my leaking wounds


[Verse II]

So now I left my home
Cowardice drove me from my love
Curse upon those fucking morons!
I haven’t done anything wrong
My younger brother wants the throne
He set up a trap to have my head
One day I’ll come back
To take what is rightfully mine!


You know there are days so bright
Days when I feel fine
And like now I just wanna dance...

[Verse III]

Evening my brother
Did I scare thou?
I am now here
To let you go.

I will cut you open and I let your guts to rot.
I will rape your woman and feed her womb to goat!
Children are not yours, they are from next door.
Nightmare isn’t over while you bleat “no more!”

Die, Die poor fool! I’ve returned to home
Fear my wrath rotten puny half-baked
And so my dream goes on...

I am ... man in exile!

Vetten Äpärät - Brothers Of Hate (Lyrics)

Fury and Jealous. They gather their own. The first sows the seeds of fear. The second grows the rotten mind. The journey is to begin. Brothers of hate accompany the men.


Raivo ja Kateus. He kokoavat omiaan. Ensimmäinen kylvää pelon siemenet. Toinen kasvattaa mätänevän mielen. Matka on alkava. Vihan veljet ihmistä saattavat


[Verse I]

Fear from the south came on our lands
Leaving those villagers on our hands
Like shadows
They came to the north to bereave our homes

While we were hunting they arrived to our village
Raping wives, killing kids, burning supplies
And they said
This is the wish of their God


Fire, the liar
Give me a knife
I will cut that man’s throat
For cruelties to my child
We shall not forget
Revenge of the sword
You will taste my steel
And my wrath
You’ll be slaughtered
Under the northern sky


Fury and Jealous
Those brothers of hate
One makes you fear
And another keen on resentment
They ire you into doom
Your men will fall
Redemption is withhold
Our enemies won’t go home

[Verse II]

Their kings couldn’t watch the wealth of our people
Nor beauty of our women or bravery of our children
Not theirs!
This is the plan of their God!


Fire, the liar
Give me a knife
I will cut that man’s throat
For cruelties to my child
We shall not forget
Revenge of the sword
You will taste my steel
And my wrath
You’ll be slaughtered
Under the moonless sky


Vetten Äpärät - Winterheart's Silence (Lyrics)

Silence. You step through the winter’s door. Snowflakes gleam in the shimmering moonlight. Enchanting beauty. Spirits dance on the frozen lake. On it’s snowy veil.


Hiljaisuus. Astut sisään talven ovesta. Kuu, hiutaleet kimaltelevat sen kajossa. Lumoava kauneus. Henget tanssivat järven jäällä, sen valkoisella matolla.

Vetten Äpärät - Winter Darkness (Lyrics)

The wind grows stronger. The cold tightens it’s grip. Too deep they have wandered. Frigid coldness. Despair. Death. The wind carries the bitter words of wrath.


Tuuli yltyy. Pakkanen kiristyy. Liian syvälle he ovat eksyneet. Kylmä. Epätoivo. Kuolema. Tuuli kantaa vihan katkeria sanoja.



[Verse I]

A cold winter night
Ominous silence
A timeless land
Hides all of my power
A flaming heart
Keeps us moving
When the death reaches us
We’ll fight!

Hides guiding stars
Despair locking hearts
Men began to fall
On the white floor
Shadows are dancing
Sapphire eyes
Touching our lives

[Interlude / C-part]

We have marched so long with anger and fear
We are cold and hungry. There’s no light except moon
Relentless howling wind speaks with a language
That we don’t understand

He promised to us glory with threat of his prison
This land is the prison, which leads to death
The proud fool warlord sent us here to conquer this ice kingdom

But we have found nothing but snow, ice and enchanting silence
He will beg a mercy from us if we return
I know they are here. They have surrounded us
They are spirits of Kamos of eternal night
I shout: “Reveal yourselves, I do not fear

You mortal fools. Leave our frozen kingdom
How dare you invade this land…

Now their minds are obsessed by the cold
Their hearts are burned by frost
And deathly pale skins are covered by snow
eyes are eclipsed


Vetten Äpärät - Grief Of Woods (Lyrics)

A funeral. The lost might of a winter past. Guardian of balance. Carefree summer is fading away. Birds are gone. The spirits awaken. New era has begun. The father tree has died.


Hautajaiset. Vanha voima menneen talven. Tasapainon vartija. Huoleton kesä kapenee ja kapenee. Linnut jo lähtivät. Henget heräävät. Uusi aika on koittanut. Isäpuu on kuollut.


[Verse I]

Wandering through the elders’ lands to the north
At first glance ahead a wooden sea
Many would be scared to leave their homes for this
I cannot go back, woods are calling me

[Verse II]

Gloomy is the hall under highest trees
Prolonged shadows obscure all over the forest
Birds don’t sing, maybe perished for an unknown mean?
Happiness and life are replaced by wooden grief

[Verse III]

Glimmering streams, unknown maiden’s heal
There I shall come to the heart where all began
Water gurgles under roots of the father tree
Death has arrived, the lone greatness is dying

Vetten Äpärät - Sydäntalven Viha (Lyrics)

Lamentation. Eternal path of sylphs. Disturbed! Desecrated! The awakening has begun. Fear. Chaos. Shadows are taunting men. This is the last warning.


Suruvirsi. Henkien ikuinen matka. Häiritty! Häpäisty! Herääminen on alkanut. Pelko. Kaaos. Varjot ilkkuvat ihmiselle. Tämä on viimeinen varoitus.


Kauan etsin tuonen teiltä
Kauan löytämät määränpäätä
Suruni jäätynyt maailman metsiin
Korven ikiroudassa

Kauan etsin tuonen teiltä
Kauan löytämät määränpäätä
Suruni jäätynyt maailman metsiin
Tuonelan ikiroudassa 2x

[Verse I]
Hurmet on maassa lumisessa penkassa
Kuutamo valaisee nuo tienoot ja pellot
Elämä on loukussa kinosten alla
Moni tekee kuolemaa alla kuusiston

Tunne sinä kurja saasta elämän kävelvän Tuonelaansa
Rautani pyyhin nahkoihisi ja käyvän otan taltehini
Juoskaa kowaa viel kun voitte, talven vihaa pakoon hoitte
Katkera on loppu Sydäntalven häpäisijen!

Tervetuloa Pohjolaan, Kaamoksen Valtakuntaan!

[Runo I]
"Tuoni sulle korjahasi,
Manalainen matkoihisi!
Vilu on olla viltin alla,
Kolkko korjassa eleä.
Salot vastahan saneli,
Kankahat nuo kajahteli,
Kohennihin kuolemahan,
Heitin katoamahan!"

Kauan etsin tuonen teiltä
Kauan löytämättä määränpäätä
Suruni on jäätynyt maailman metsiin
Korven ikiroudassa

Kauan etsin tuonen teiltä
Kauan löytämättä määränpäätä
Suruni on jäätynyt maailman metsiin
Tuonelan ikiroudassa

[Verse II]
Huumassa kauheessa rivouksia huutelmassa
Vähäiset ne parkuvat sormiensa paleltues
Viimassa huutavat henget nuo Pohjolan tuulten
Nauraen sotajoukon kuolemalle

Houkat kuolevaiset etsivät kultaa
Vaan löytävät Pohjolasta routaista multaa
Kadotkaa ja paetkaa te ikiajoiksi
Tai sielunne kirottu on kalman madoiksi

Tervetuloa Pohjolaan, Kaamoksen Valtakuntaan!

[Runo II]
"Tuoni sulle korjahasi,
Manalainen matkoihisi!
Oisin kuollut, kurja raukka,
Oisin katkennut, katala,
Siihen surmansa sukesi,
Kuolemansa kohta eli,
Löyti turvan Tuonelassa,
Armon aaltojen seassa!"


Vetten Äpärät – Herätys (Lyrics)

“My endless slumber under the frozen soil is coming to it’s end. It is time. I hear it’s call. It’s time to awaken to war at the gates of time. Arise my Takorauta! Arise my Sulotuuli! Arise my immortal brothers!” The ancients’ warlords have awakened.


”Ikuinen uneni alla kylmän maan on päättyvä. On aika, minä kuulen sen kutsuvan. On aika herätä sotaan ajan porteilla. Herää Takorautani! Herää Sulotuuleni! Herätkää kuolemattomat veljeni!” Vanhojen sotaherrat ovat heränneet.



Ikuinen uneni alla kylmän maan on päättyvä. On aika, minä kuulen sen kutsuvan. On aika herätä sotaan ajan porteilla.

Herää Takorautani!
Herää Sulotuuleni!
Herätkää kuolemattomat veljeni!

Routa on sitonut ruumiini ja sieluni on unen huurteinen. Antakaa minulle voimaa kuolevat lapsemme.

Polkekaa maata, antakaa isienne kuulla hurmio maanpäällinen. Lyökää taivasta ja tuulta käsillänne, jotta jokainen henki maan päällä kuulee sen kylmän pauhun.

Kantakoot huuto uuden herätyksen. Kutsukaa esi-isänne matkalle kylmään pohjoiseen.

Vetten Äpärät - Swords' Dance (Lyrics)

Winter’s thunder. Blood-darkened ground. The animals, the sylphs of forests and waters, gnomes and goblins, trolls and giants, the spirits of the dead and other beasts. A battle against humans’ greed and indifference. Fury bursts into flames. A sea of ruin.


Talven ukkonen. Veren mustaama maa. Eläimet, metsän ja veden haltijat, maahiset ja menninkäiset, peikot ja jätit, vainajain henget ja muut pedot. Taisto vastaan ihmisen ahneutta ja välinpitämättömyyttä. Raivo on roihahtavi liekeiksi. Tuhon mereksi.


[Verse I]

Thunder breaks the silence before war
Bringing the light over blood darkened field
Disciplined warrior marches to death
Everyone knows this will be the end
Ravens fly over army flags

Cavalry is drumming the ground, men raise their weapons
This is pain but no one wants to end the wait

When dark clouds open to reveal the army of wrath
Our ancestors
They see us,
And in their cry they bless us...


Fight with your swords, find courage against hordes of enemies
They strike with their fear
Parrying all those blades is like dance on Dryads Lake
We shall go to battle and release our furious rage

[Verse II]

The stage of death slays hopes of many
And no one sees how time flies by
No one cares if a brother dies, the rain has begun
Claws of wind wipe creatures upon the field
Revealing a sight where corpses lie near
The flames of the burning sun releases our souls

When dark clouds open to reveal the army of wrath
Our ancestors
They see us,
And in their cry they bless us...



Men! The enemy is here. They are burning our homes. They are killing our children!
Show them no mercy! Kill them all! Attack!


Vetten Äpärät - Wind Of Exhaustion (Lyrics)

A hunted animal. Eyes blurred by the stampede. Run! Hide! Heart is pounding. Legs are burning. A brother falls. I wet myself. I won’t look back.


Takaa-ajettu eläin. Pakokauhun sumentamat silmät. Juokse! Piiloudu! Sydän hakkaa. Jalkoja polttaa. Veli kaatuu. Lasken alleni. En katso taakseni.


[Verse I]

”How beautiful is sky”
He said to me and died

Run and make your way far away
Hide if only you know you're safe
Enemy is marching behind your backs
Just take a breath to lose your head

They came from nowhere, appeared from dark
Shadows so fast they froze our hearts
Bloodlust in blue eyes glowing in the dark
Dryads of nature are hunting us down


Heart is pounding, legs are burning
Intense stampede, cold sweat trickling
Animal knows when it is hunted
Callous arm is brushing your shoulder

Run! Hide! Fear!
Enemy is on their way
You see no dawn so

Run! Hide! Fear!
Leave exhausted one
He slows you down so

[Verse II]

Then I fell down
And began to cry aloud

Run and make your way far away
Hide if only you know you're safe
Enemy is marching behind your backs
Just take a breath to lose your head

Screams of pain are haunting around woods
Watch your feet, don't stumble over corpse
You may wet yourself but you can't turn back
Fear of dying keeps us on track


You run!
You hide!
You fear!
Run until your legs will break down!


You run!
You hide!
You fear!
Run until your legs will break down!

Vetten Äpärät - Ice Made New Kingdom (Lyrics)

They are everywhere. They see everything. Frost has settled among us. The time of men has come to an end. We roam. We fall. All must answer when the ruler of Halla demands the words of Vala. Kneel before the northern throne. Value the nature and you shall live.


He ovat kaikkialla. He näkevät kaiken. Pakkanen on asettunut keskuuteemme. Ihmisen aika on ohi. Vaellamme. Kaadumme. Jokaisen on vastattava Hallan herran kysyessä Valan sanoja. Polvistu edessä Pohjolan tuolin. Vaali luontoa ja saat elää.


World is vast or so I was told
Now going to an adventure for my Lord
Shackles are my shadow, none ask from serf
Packing my clothes and a loaf of bread

Shades are lurking on the ground around us
Sylphs take men to the falling dusk
We are out of food and our toes are benumbed
I am in the twilight and my guts are gone

Seize the north, you brought the hordes
To claim our land and our homes
You drain our lakes, cut our forests
Forts will rise and reach to the skies

The spirits are awake now, scream for your lives
The cry of the dryads fill the trees, they’re alive
Men behind the walls don’t have a place to hide
Our many eyes see your only lives

What is this place?
Then I gazed upon the creature with highest awe

When you are alone
Wind whispers the call

”Kuule jo lapsonen huutomme tää
Seuraa jo ääntämme lämpimään”


Sky and ground and fire and snow
Human shall bow to the northern throne
Oath is spelt in the coldest home
Take these words or thou shalt find your death


We are the lord of realms unwelcome
Feel the glacial wind you servant
Kneel before you enter our domain
Or you pay your life to the warden

Land is free for those who spell the
Oath of ancient king who raised the
Wind to wrap our laws of wailing
In this new kingdom made of ice

[Verse II]

Ice has settled to the well and among us
Frost has killed most aged and young ones
Troops are in chaos and my Lord’s getting mad
I am still alive but my edge has a crack

And now our time
Will soon fade away
This past life of mine

Is reversed, dream I chased

When you are alone
Wind whispers the call

”Kuule jo lapsonen huutomme tää
Seuraa jo ääntämme lämpimään”


Sky and ground and fire and snow
Human shall bow to the northern throne
Oath is spelt in the coldest home
Take these words or thou shalt find your death


We are the lord of realms unwelcome
Feel the glacial wind you servant
Kneel before you enter our domain
Or you pay your life to the warden

Land is free for those who spell the
Oath of ancient king who raised the
Wind to wrap our laws of wailing
In this new kingdom made of ice

[Verse III, Part I]

Brothers! Here me out!
Do we have to die out here?
I wanna live!
So what you say? What say you!

The night fell dark, the cold came out
The furious rage purged among us
Slash and cut, strike and block
Troops fall down, they see no dawn

I run and run, run run run
Ruler of Halla caught my heart
He spoke some words, I understood none
I open my eyes and answered this one

[Verse III, Part II]

Sky and ground and fire and snow
Human shall bow to the northern throne
Oath is spelt in the coldest home
Take these words or thou shalt find your death

Now I am free!

Illusion is broken, I’ve been awakened
It was always there in my mind!

Value the nature and you shall live
In this our new kingdom made of ice!


We are the lord of realms unwelcome
Feel the glacial wind you servant
Kneel before you enter our domain
Or you pay your life to the warden

Land is free for those who spell the
Oath of ancient king who raised the
Wind to wrap our laws of wailing
In this new kingdom made of ice

Vetten Äpärät - I Heard Them (Lyrics)

I was lost

-Is anyone there!

I was cold

-Somebody help me!

I was scared


I didn’t see anything

-I can’t see anything..

I was praying

-Please God help me..

I thought I was gonna die
And in the end... I was begging...

-Please... spare me

So scared
But then
I heard

Vetten Äpärät – Vala (Lyrics)

Sky and ground and fire and snow. Human shall bow to the northern throne. Oath is spelt in the coldest home. Take these words or thou shalt find your death.


Taivas ja Maa ja Tuli ja Lumi. Ihminen taipui ees Pohjolan tuolin. Valan he vannoivat kylmässä kodin. Sanat nuo otti, tai Tuonen nyt koit.

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