Astral Path - An Oath to the Void (Lyrics)

Astral Path - An Oath to the Void (Lyrics), Astral Path - Maroon Sea (Lyrics), Astral Path - An Oath to the Void (Lyrics), Astral Path - Between Appalachia and the Shield (Lyrics), Astral Path - A Virulent Delusion (Lyrics), Astral Path - To Vega... Nebulous Anatomy (Lyrics)

Astral Path - An Oath to the Void (Lyrics)

1. Astral Path - Maroon Sea (Lyrics)

(Lyrics: A. Dujakovic, J. Bourdeau)

The moon pulls
The tempest lifts
On a cauldron of sentient life

An eternity of tireless waves
Drawing us forth upon you
Scintillating clouds of mist

Embraced by your helm of darkness
Never to rise from the depths
A billion years of churning isolation

Only your sighing tides
Will echo through the fog
For aeons of woe and silence... 

2. Astral Path - An Oath to the Void (Lyrics)

(Lyrics: A. Dujakovic)

In silent, eerie gaze
I want nothing but to hold
those burning embers

Significance wanes
Ashes scattered by winds
To darkened skies

Our souls encircled by woe
Can't see past our horizons

Soundless vacuum of space transcends
The night
Total abyss
Stellar winds
Celestial spheres... Up high!

Seeking life past our stars
Ablaze in the night
We look for the signs

A voice above does cry
A call to explore the unknown

They beckon us in soundless night...

From Above
Give me a sign
Do not forfeit me to despair
False prophets will never save us
I shall swear an oath (to the void) 

3. Astral Path - Between Appalachia and the Shield (Lyrics)

(Lyrics: A. Dujakovic, J. Bourdeau)

A horizon of pine
A shield of oak
The gale breath of the Northern winds...

Lamentations of yore
'Fore ages of Man
Odes to Boreas echoed over the land

In the forest below
Where spirits roamed in darkness
Bound in life, to stand guard after death

Under grey skies
Ripe with winter's chill
"A few acres of snow", once hallowed ground.

We've left the Earth
A dead, cold world
Stripped of its vigor
By those it gave life

The days grow cold
The nights grow long
Between Appalachia and the Shield

On the stillest of nights
When the frost grips the soil
The light of the Aurora
Still paints vivid dreams
Bringing life to the emptiness
Recalling what once was 

4. Astral Path - A Virulent Delusion (Lyrics)

(Lyrics: J. Bourdeau)

A dream is cut short, stifled...
The path to truth shrouded
The dominion of indoctrination
Spewing forth callous lies

Lo and behold!
A skeptic resurgence
Reclaiming logic once lost to the yoke of pious doctrine

Every day, burning to push against the weight of
collective cognition; a moral imperative
A sudden lapse in perspective, a clash in the mind
Is all it takes to stoke the glowing fires of reason!

The Stars were not 'made' for the lowly man
But man can conquer the stars through knowledge and will.

“Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands.
Like an unctuous merchant, they offer solidarity and uplift;
competing as they do in a marketplace.
But we have a right to remember
how barbaric they behaved when they were strong
and were making an offer that people could not refuse.” - C. Hitchens 

5. Astral Path - To Vega... Nebulous Anatomy (Lyrics)

(Lyrics: J. Bourdeau)

Nineteen Thirty Six
An Icon of evil
Broadcast into space
At the speed of light

A Space faring beholder
ears trained to the void
with vast cosmic knowledge
yearning to share
the enigmatic laws of the universe

A message received
a message returned
Buried in prime numbers
a framework for universal solidarity

An uprising of joy
Premonitions of pain
Is this word of God?
Is this life from beyond?

A dodecahedron falls
Through the heart of atomic structure
Piercing through the fabric of space and time

"A tingling in the spine
A catch in the voice
A faint sensation of a distant memory
as if falling from a great height" - C. Sagan

Lost between immensity and eternity
A new cosmic perspective

Thrust into the ocean of space and time
Yearning to catch wind
of intelligence that antedates the universe

A puzzling axiom
We struggled against the counterintuitive
In direct contradiction to our prejudices
The past proliferators of falsehood
Now bow in shame to the paragon of truth.

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