Galneryus - Ultimate Sacrifice (Album Lyrics)

Galneryus - Ultimate Sacrifice (Album Lyrics), Galneryus - Enter the New Age Lyrics, Galneryus - Wings of Justice Lyrics, Galneryus - The Shadow Within Lyrics, Galneryus - With Sympathy Lyrics, Galneryus - Wherever You Are Lyrics, Galneryus - Rising Infuration Lyrics, Galneryus - Brutal Spiral of Emotions Lyrics, Galneryus - Ultimate Sacrifice Lyrics

Galneryus - Ultimate Sacrifice (Album Lyrics)

Galneryus - Enter the New Age Lyrics

Over 10 years had passed after
the great conflict between two nations.

The man who won the battle, had set the people free
and had brought the world to peace

which did not last long enough

sudden death of the man
arose of a new dictatorship

again, people are forced to enter the age of a raging battle

the story goes on

with a raised sword

with an ultimate sacrifice

Galneryus - Heavenly Punishment Lyrics

Eternal damnation
Can I redeem myself?
また巡りゆく 運命が螺旋の様に
Heavenly punishment
My soul is kept in chains
もがき続ける 未だ哀しみの渦の中で

遥か遠ざかりゆく 回想の幼き日々は
盲目にただ掻き乱してゆく 澱んだ心を

深く蝕まれゆく この哀しみの意味は

見上げ想いを馳せる空 繰り返し問いかける宿命
今も この大地に轟いてゆく

Eternal damnation
Can I redeem myself?
また巡りゆく 運命が螺旋の様に
Heavenly punishment
My soul is kept in chains
もがき続ける 未だ哀しみの渦の中で

いつか感じた温もり 思い出すように目を閉じ
今こそ 振り返らずこの想い

Eternal damnation
Can I redeem myself?
嘆きを纏う 因果を絡みつかせ
Heavenly punishment
My soul is kept in chains
もがき続ける 未だ苦しみの淵でで

Heavenly punishment
My soul is kept in chains
また巡りゆく 運命が螺旋の様に
Eternal damnation
Can I redeem myself?
今走り出す かつての記憶をのせて

Galneryus - Wings of Justice Lyrics

Don't be afraid! Just move ahead!
Don't look back! Keep on going!


Don't hesitate! Don't lose your way!
Don't look back! Keep on going!


I'll fly to the sky on wings of justice
Fighting the evil Bringing all peace
I'll fly over world on wings of justice
Chasing the evil until the honor will rule again

Just fight against the traitor Flames rage in my heart
Wielding my sword I face the overwhelming evil

Let us scream! Just move ahead!

I'll fly to the sky on wings of justice
Fighting the evil Bringing all peace
I'll fly over world on wings of justice
Chasing the evil until the honor will rule again

Just fight against the traitor Flames rage in my heart
Wielding my sword I face the overwhelming evil

I'll fly to the sky on wings of justice
Fighting the evil Bringing all peace
I'll fly over world on wings of justice
Chasing the evil until the honor will rule again

Just fight against the traitor Flames rage in my heart
Wielding my sword I face the overwhelming evil
Fight against the traitor Flames rage in my heart
Wielding my sword I face the overwhelming evil

Galneryus - The Shadow Within Lyrics

気付けば漆黒の闇 吹き返した鼓動
咽せる砂塵をかきわけ その瞬間見た真実

失われゆく光 未だ気付かぬ怒り
震える指を伸ばして その瞬間見た真実

Remember those past days I can't believe it's true
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me
I couldn't forgive you Why did they have to die?
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me

Faith in creation 言葉など意味もなく
No more hesitation あの誓いの下に
Faith in creation 今開けた視界に 全て映してゆく

今こそ待ち焦がれた 全てを握る時
戦いの果てに掴んだ この旗を掲げよ

Remember those past days I can't believe it's true
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me
I couldn't forgive you Why did they have to die?
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me

Faith in creation 湧き立つ心の陰
No more hesitation 未だ見ぬ情景へと
Faith in creation 今崩れた支配は 全て生まれ変わる

Remember those past days I can't believe it's true
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me
I couldn't forgive you Why did they have to die?
Each day I struggle to fight rage inside of me

Faith in creation 言葉など意味もなく
No more hesitation あの誓いの下に
Faith in creation 今開けた視界に 全て映してゆく

Galneryus - With Sympathy Lyrics

Is there the end? Days of the fight...
(But) I have the justice I'll win the day!
And I met them They who fight
Struggling for freedom Never run away

Blood, Sweat, Many tears
The sword which was damaged
We understand each other in the fight
Promise! Keep going forward and go!

Look up at the sky And I pray
My fight'll be over I'll win the day!

Rage, Pain, Many fears
The fist which was damaged
We understand each other in the fight
Take an oath! Keep going forward and go!

So we unite Open the future
My mind with their mind
Cry of my soul Cry of their soul
When I fell them something new was born
(I) can't go back from here Overcome all difficulties
(I) can't stop keep moving Do not forget my faith
Nothing can disturb me until the end of my life
Nothing can hinder me until the end of my life

Blood, Sweat, Many tears
The sword which was damaged
Crush, March, Many years I have a lot of courage
Rage, Pain, Many fears The fist which was damaged
We understand each other in the fight
Promise! Keep going forward and go more!

So we unite Open the future
My mind with their mind
Cry of my soul Cry of their soul
When I fell them something new was born
(I) can't go back from here Overcome all difficulties
Without giving up I do not take a rest
(I) can't stop keep moving Do not forget my faith
Without getting down Overcome all difficulties
Nothing can disturb me until the end of my life
Nothing can hinder me until the end of my life

Galneryus - Wherever You Are Lyrics

ずっと同じ場所に 居た事なんて
知る事も無い儘 時代は流れ
やっと辿り着いた 居るべき場所へ

移りゆく景色 変わりゆく未来
願い込め ただ空を仰ぎ
繋いだ心は 溢れて
I'll never forget your love

Oh wherever you are I'll always remember
Oh wherever you are I'll be thinking about you
I'll make the world shake, searching for you
Just promise
Remember me forever

振り返ればそう いつもと同じ
絶えない光を 放ち続け
眩しい程強く 迸る想い
幾度となく繰り返す この情動
I'll never forget your love

Oh wherever you are I'll always remember
Oh wherever you are I'll be thinking about you
I'll make the world shake, searching for you
Just promise
Remember me forever

全てを棄てても 護りたい想いが
今 胸の中立ち込めて 抑えきれない

Oh wherever you are I'll always remember
Oh wherever you are I'll be thinking about you
Oh wherever you go, we will be reunited again
I'll make the world shake, searching for you
Your eyes, just like shining stars
Smile, healing my soul
You keep me alive
I won't lose you now

Remember me forever

Galneryus - Rising Infuration Lyrics

No way! Evil! (I) lose control of myself
No way! Marvel! I'm not feeling myself

The tragic fact (I) can't believe that
Sadness I feel intense anger
The certain fact (I) can't believe that
Darkness But I must go ahead

No way! Fiction! I was tricked by him
No way! Action! I can't forgive him

The tragic fact (I) can't believe that
'Oh, you rat!' I feel intense anger
The certain fact (I) can't believe that
Grievous cry... But I thrust ahead

My destiny is cruel for me
(I've) lost my dearest ones
(and) now I knew the truth
Unbearable pain (Falls on like rain)
It's endless pain (Caught in a chain)
Cry out! (More out loud)
It's his wrongful deed

My destiny is awful for me
(I) think about the meaning of my fight again
It's a crisis (Under curses)
What's the justice? (Fall of justice)
Cry out! (More out loud)
By his wrongful deed

Dark Side! Genocide! Mortified! With pride!
Many of men died
Dark Side! Genocide! Mortified! With pride!
Realized it all
Dark Side! Genocide! Mortified! With pride!
Many of men died
Dark Side! Genocide! Mortified! With pride!
Realized it all

What's going on... (It's) not nearly dawn
Sadness I feel intense anger
Who's crying now... I wander now
Darkness But I must go ahead

My destiny is cruel for me
(I've) lost my dearest ones
(and) now I knew the truth
Unbearable pain (Falls on like rain)
It's endless pain (Caught in a chain)
Cry out! (More out loud)
It's his wrongful deed

My destiny is awful for me
(I) think about the meaning of my fight again
It's a crisis (Under curses)
What's the justice? (Fall of justice)
Cry out! (More out loud)
By his wrongful deed

Dark Side! Genocide! Mortified! With pride!
Many of men died
Dark Side! Genocide! Mortified! With pride!
Realized it all
Dark Side! Genocide! Mortified! With pride!
Many of men died
Dark Side! Genocide! Mortified! With pride!
I realized!
Dark Side! Genocide! Mortified! With pride!
I'll still fight more

Galneryus - Brutal Spiral of Emotions Lyrics

I. Blinded By Anger

II. Burning Within

深く侵されてゆく 闇に覆われながら
気付く事をただ恐れるかの様に 決して振り返らない

葬られた過ぎし日 忘れはしない
怒りの業火は今も 消えやしない

影さえ見失い 見渡す事はもう意味を為さずに

葬られた過ぎし日 失いはしない
灼熱の怒りよ今 身を焦がせ

今にも張り裂けそうな想いを 嘘に変えてくれるなら

Go forward and just fight 'til I die
Looking back means the end of my life
Go forward and just fight
even if my arms and legs were lost
(I'm) still searching for the way to go

まやかしなどではない あの現実に
灼熱の怒りよ今 身を焦がせ

今にも崩れそうな想いを 嘘に変えてくれるなら

III. Soul Carried By The Wind

陰る視界の中 感じた陽炎の揺らめき

刹那に響きゆく 微かに零れた吐息は

冷めゆく 身体を包んだ
消えゆく 希望の光が

震える指先に 最後の願いを託して

このまま 目を閉じ

離れたままの心は 今また繋がれてゆく
吹きつける風に 身を委ね

冷めゆく 身体を包んだ
消えゆく 希望の光は
このまま ただ目を閉じて
彼方の目指した情景へと続くだろう きっと…
I will fly to the sky

Galneryus - Ultimate Sacrifice Lyrics

I. Wishing To Liberate

果てしない争いの中で どれ程の犠牲は生まれゆくのか
気付く間も無く 過ぎ去りゆく 数多交錯した魂

Now I still pray to the sky
想いは未だ薄れずに ただ煌く
天空の様に 眩しく光を灯して

この時間を戻して 約束の地へ駆けるだろう
これ以上何を失えば 赦されるのだろう
この手を差し出して 消え去った過去を掴むだろう
これ以上何を求めても もう見つかりはしない

目の前を塞いだ現実 怒りは全て立ち向かう力に
記憶の全て呼び起こして 動けぬ事など忘れてゆく

Do you still fly to the sky?
ただ煌く 星の様に 1つの真実照らして

この時間を戻して 約束の地へ駆けるだろう
吐き出した全ての想いは 解き放たれゆく
この手を差し出して 消え去った過去を掴むだろう
哀しみをこの手に託して 未来へ進んでゆく

II. The Battle In Desperation

Overcame all the fight
Never lose fate and destiny
With my soul With my sword
I will fight I won't ever lose

All the blood All the lives
Never lose fate and destiny
With the sorrow With my grief
Now I stand right before you

III. The Reality In The End

いつの日も夢見ていた あの場所で感じた温もりを
いつの日も感じていた 哀しみから放たれる日を
I'm still praying to the sky
ただ煌く星の様に 1つの望みを照らして

この時間を戻して あの手をもう離さないだろう
吐き出した全ての想いは 解き放たれゆく
あなたのその影を もう一度だけ思い出して
何も求めるものなど無く 穏やかな温もりの中で

IV. Phantasmagoria

If I knew that all before I wouldn't have to make sacrifice
I can't change the past but pray to the future
All I can do is only this for you

If I knew that all before I wouldn't have to make sacrifice
I wanna change the past and just pray to the sky
All I can do is only this for you
Fly away...

V. The Living And The Dead

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